OASIS Code List Representation TC

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Restarting CLRTC meetings in mid-April

  • 1.  Restarting CLRTC meetings in mid-April

    Posted 03-16-2009 20:43
    Hello all!
    After quite a long hiatus, I might actually be settled in my office 
    for a while starting mid-April in order to restart some of the 
    standardization work for code lists.
    I would like to resume the weekly teleconferences in order to:
       1 - address some new features in genericode from Tony
         - here is the latest, which is the standard:
       2 - progress the standardization of the CVA format
         - here is the latest, which is version 0.5 draft 1
    I've been contacted by users of the cd2-1.0 draft CVA work who would 
    like to see this finalized sooner rather than later.  I'm pleased 
    with the reception this version of the specification is getting.  One 
    of my action items is to redraft the specification based on feedback 
    from Tony.  I'll try to have that done for mid-April.
    I haven't picked any dates yet, and I need to see if we still have 
    access to the old teleconference line or a new one.
    Does anyone have any issues they are considering bringing forward to 
    the committee?
    Please consider restarting your active membership in the committee 
    ... we will need your participation, your feedback and your vote.
    I'll send more details later ... I just wanted to wake this up and 
    get everyone thinking about it again.
    . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
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    G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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