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Revised Schematron-based Value Validation Using Genericode methodology

  • 1.  Revised Schematron-based Value Validation Using Genericode methodology

    Posted 07-28-2007 22:22
    Hi folks,
    I've created the first draft of the Schematron-based Value Validation 
    Using Genericode methodology in the CLRTC repository, which is 
    derived from the UBL Methodology for Code List and Value Validation 
    in the UBLTC repository ... we can discuss this at our meeting on Tuesday:
    In conjunction with the revisions above, the case study that I wrote 
    for CIQ is now moved out of the UBLTC repository and into the CLRTC 
    repository, modified for the new SBVVUG:
    Note that the namespaces of the genericode files have been brought up 
    to 1.0, and the new CLRTC namespace for a context/value association 
    file has been incorporated into the methodology and examples.  Users 
    of the UBL Methodology for Code List and Value Validation will need 
    to revise their context/value association files to have the proposed 
    new namespace for these revised stylesheets to work for them.
    While the case study is not on the agenda for Tuesday, it may help 
    you to understand how the methodology is deployed.  The methodology 
    document itself is more of a specification than a user guide ... the 
    case study is closer to a user guide.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.  Especially let me know 
    if I have missed anything in the conversion of the files from the 
    UBLTC to the CLRTC ... there were quite a few small modifications and 
    I'm worried I've left some archaic stuff in the new files.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
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