OASIS Code List Representation TC

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Stylesheets for HTML rendering of genericode files

  • 1.  Stylesheets for HTML rendering of genericode files

    Posted 12-10-2006 03:13
    Fellow Code List Representation TC members,
    As part of some UBL work it is necessary to render in HTML the 
    content of genericode files with the lists of coded values.  I've 
    modularized the stylesheets I needed so that if you have genericode 
    files and you want to render their content in a standalone fashion 
    (rather than as part of a UBL context/value file rendering), you can do so.
    Crane has published on our web site the stylesheets used to render 
    genericode files in standalone HTML reports or directly in XSLT-aware 
    web browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer.
    This kind of report will be helpful to you if you need to present the 
    content of a genericode file without exposing markup to those who are 
    averse to seeing angle brackets.
    To download a copy of these freely-available stylesheets, please 
    visit the "Free resources" section of our web site linked in our 
    trailer below.  The first section of the resources page is a link to 
    the UBL and code list resources.  On that page under "Stylesheet 
    resources" is the "Genericode and context/value association file 
    stylesheets" section.  I'm not including the actual URL in this post 
    in case the URL has to change which would make the archives out of date.
    There is a "readme" file with (hopefully) complete instructions 
    regarding using the stylesheets.
    I welcome any feedback and suggestions to improve on the rendering of 
    this information.
    I hope these are considered helpful.
    . . . . . . . . . Ken
    cc:  UBL TC, UBL Dev, Code List TC
    World-wide corporate, govt. & user group XML, XSL and UBL training
    G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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