OASIS Code List Representation TC

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Groups - OASIS Code List Representation Specification (oasis-code-list-representation-genericode-0.4.pdf) uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - OASIS Code List Representation Specification (oasis-code-list-representation-genericode-0.4.pdf) uploaded

    Posted 04-04-2007 17:06
    Apologies that I'm behind schedule on this, but there is now a new version
    of the specification document for the TC to review.  In this version 0.4
    draft, only section 3 has been modified as compared to version 0.3. 
    Section 3 is only half-finished at present, but is now representative of
    the format I am proposing for this section.  However, one thing that is
    still missing from the entire section is genericode XML examples, which are
    required and will be added in a later version.
    Cheers, Tony.
     -- Anthony Coates
    The document revision named OASIS Code List Representation Specification
    (oasis-code-list-representation-genericode-0.4.pdf) has been submitted by
    Anthony Coates to the OASIS Code List Representation TC document
    repository.  This document is revision #3 of
    Document Description:
    The OASIS Code List Representation Specification and its drafts.
    View Document Details:
    Download Document:  
    This document is revision #3 of
    oasis-code-list-representation-genericode-0.1.pdf.  The document details
    page referenced above will show the complete revision history.
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    -OASIS Open Administration