OASIS Code List Representation TC

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Draft RDDL page for genericode namespace URL

  • 1.  Draft RDDL page for genericode namespace URL

    Posted 07-22-2007 01:56
    Hi folks,
    I've posted a candidate index.html page riddled with RDDL properties, 
    per the OASIS guidelines:
    There is one HTML file at that link, but it is the same information 
    displayed twice.  The master I am maintaining has the information 
    only once, but the rendition you see is the rendition as it would be 
    visible to a user, followed by a rendition exposing the RDDL 
    attributes so that you don't have to look inside of the XHTML source 
    to read the RDDL attribute values (and I can debug the end result easier).
    I've assumed the RDDL nature for an Open Document Format file is 
    "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" as I cannot find 
    an example to copy.
    I've also had to change some of the RDDL attributes as supplied in 
    the OASIS RDDL template because they were invalid.
    If anyone thinks there are other links to be decorated with RDDL 
    properties (or perhaps I've decorated too many), please let me know.
    I'm assuming the versioning policy remains intact in the document and 
    that it is not there just for documentation to the committee.
    Of course all the references to "cd2" will be replaced with "cs" for 
    the committee specification, and then removed for the OASIS standard.
    Please let me know if you have any questions or if I've messed up.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
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