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SOA-EERP Pre-Launch Teleconference

  • 1.  SOA-EERP Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 06-11-2008 21:35
    A conference call has been scheduled for Monday, 16 June 2008 to discuss the
    proposed charter for the SOA-EERP Technical Committee.
    Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and optionally
    other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other interested OASIS Members
    are invited to observe.
    Call in details:
    US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
    Skype: +9900 827 5537644
    Conference Room Number: 5537644
    Other international numbers can be found here:
    The proposed charter is included below for reference.
    Mary P McRae
    Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
    web: www.oasis-open.org 
    phone: 603.232.9090
    OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture End-to-End Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC 
    1) The Charter of the TC, which includes only the following items: 
    (1)(a) The name of the TC
    OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture End-to-End Resource Planning (SOA-EERP) TC
    (1)(b) A statement of purpose, including a definition of the problem to be
    As Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has matured as a development, deployment,
    and governance paradigm, the performance of SOA deployments has received
    increasing attention.
    End-to-End Resource Planning (EERP) applies service discovery, composition,
    simulation, and optimization techniques in a novel way to improve business
    results. As the software industry has applied SOA to eBusiness deployments,
    self-optimizing systems as exemplified by EERP have become more feasible and
    Different deployments of services onto a business process have varying business 
    Value. For example, a shipper might offer faster but more expensive service.
    EERP models the business process and the range of potential services, then guide
    the selection and deployment of services based on the overall end-to-end
    business value.
    Modeling the business characteristics of a service is a prerequisite for
    estimating the business value of the process that uses those services; likewise,
    the reliability of the service provided needs to be understood.  Finally,
    establishing agreements about the business service is essential to long-term
    value chain improvement.
    Challenges include: 
    _ The discovery, selection, assembly, and management of services supporting
    business processes
    _ Monitoring and evolution over time of both the set of services selected and of
    the performance of the business process itself
    _ Determining the varieties of optimization to be supported
    The focus of the TC will be on enablers for optimization and process
    improvement. Local and more global optimization of distributed business
    processes should prove more effective with consistent requirements and
    References on EERP are in section (2)(h).
     (1)(c) The scope of the work of the TC.
    The SOA-EERP Technical Committee will focus on enablers for optimization. The
    enablers are, for example, definitions of the framework for representing the
    business process service rating terms, such how to represent cost, time, value,
    etc. We define "optimization" as maximizing business value by enabling improved
    real-life eBusiness process and resource planning at both design time and run
    time. In particular,
    _ Resources are services performed by people, machines, and hardware/software
    applications, and represented by SOA services. Defining the qualities of such a
    business service will be done with metrics expressed as Business Quality of
    Service (BQoS).  The nature of BQoS varies across industries and services.
    _ Business processes are optimized in order to reduce cost, improve efficiency,
    and otherwise improve business results. Extensions to Business Process
    Management Notation and execution environments such as WS-BPEL will facilitate
    process improvement through automatic optimization and evolution.
    The TC intends to address the following to support optimization technologies.
    The parenthetical notes are proposed specification names:
    _ A vocabulary and model for design-time and run-time optimization
    _ Business characteristics of services demanded and supplied (BQoS)
    _ Business reliability and reputation of suppliers of services (WS-Rating)
    _ Business service-level agreements to manage and evaluate services  (Business
    _ Such additional work as determined necessary by the TC to enable evaluation
    and optimization of the business value of SOA-deployed Business Processes
    _ A reference model for SOA optimization
    The TC will, insofar as possible, rely on existing work.
    Specific work with which the TC intends to coordinate is listed in Section
     (1)(d) A list of deliverables, with projected completion dates.
    Projected times are from inception, the date of the initial TC meeting.
    1. Vocabulary, high level model, use cases, and requirements document (4 months
    from inception)
    2. Business Quality of Service specification (BQoS) (8 months from inception)
    3. Service and business process extensions to BPMN, WS-BPEL, and CSA-BPEL (12
    months from inception)
    4. Business Reliability and Reputation specification (WS-Rating) (12 months from
    5. Business Service Level Agreement specification (Business SLA) (15 months from
    6. Reference model for SOA Optimization Implementations (21 months from
    (1)(e) Specification of the IPR Mode under which the TC will operate.
     The TC shall operate under RF on Limited Terms 
    (1)(f) The anticipated audience or users of the work.
    Parties who would have interest in this work include business and government
    enterprises that deploy and manage solutions which use SOA techniques and which
    want to develop effective business processes and improve the performance and
    agility of their solutions. 
    Extensive applications of SOA-EERP techniques will likely be most cost-effective
    for long-running business processes, although SOA-EERP enabling specifications
    will also help in the definition and design of SOA end-to-end business
    Earlier versions of EERP, specifications for which are anticipated to be
    contributed, are currently deployed in industry portals in China to facilitate
    service selection and business process improvement.
    (1)(g) The language in which the TC shall conduct business.
    The TC will use English as the language for conducting its operations.
    (2) Non-normative information regarding the startup of the TC: 
    (2)(a) Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other
    OASIS TCs or by other organizations, why there is a need for another effort in
    this area and how this proposed TC will be different, and what level of liaison
    will be pursued with these other organizations.
    There is not currently any known work producing a coordinated set of SOA
    optimization enabling specifications.  The composition of work into an EERP-like
    optimization framework, together with the required support specifications, is
    unique to this proposal.
    The assembly and reassembly of optimized business process implementations will
    leverage the OASIS Service Component Architecture, in particular the SCA
    Assembly and SCA-Policy specifications.
    Policy application may leverage the OASIS SCA-Policy specification.
    Business Process notation and execution environments are expected to leverage
    the OMG BPMN and OASIS WS-BPEL and SCA-BPEL specifications, extended to carry
    BQoS information.
    Business Quality of Service may leverage the WS-Quality Management (WS-QM)
    project and aspects of the Universal Business Language (UBL) standards.
    WS-Rating may leverage aspects of the proposed OASIS Open Reputation Management
    Systems (ORMS) TC work as well as WS-QM.
    The SOA-EERP TC will establish TC liaisons as needed with appropriate TCs and
    working groups in other organizations, including the OASIS OpenCSA member
    section or its appropriate component TCs, the OASIS ORMS TC, the OASIS WSQM TC,
    the OASIS UBL TC, and the SOA-RM TC.
     (2)(b) The date, time, and location of the first meeting, whether it will be
    held in person or by phone, and who will sponsor this first meeting. The first
    meeting of a TC shall occur no less than 30 days after the announcement of its
    formation in the case of a telephone or other electronic meeting, and no less
    than 45 days after the announcement of its formation in the case of a
    face-to-face meeting.
    The initial meeting will be a face-to-face meeting sponsored by Nortel, with
    teleconference available for those who cannot attend in person. It will be
    August 5-7, 2008, at the Nortel facilities in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
    (2)(c) The projected on-going meeting schedule for the year following the
    formation of the TC, or until the projected date of the final deliverable,
    whichever comes first, and who will be expected to sponsor these meetings.
    The TC will conduct its business via weekly or biweekly teleconference calls.
    The time and frequency of the call will be determined during the first meeting
    of the TC. The TC will conduct F2F meetings as needed and determined by the TC.
    Teleconference facilities and F2F meetings will be sponsored by the TC
    participants or OASIS.
    Time zone difference of participants may require flexibility in meeting times,
    quorum, and subcommittees (if any); identified members to date are in East Asia
    and North America.
     (2)(d) The names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations of at
    least Minimum Membership who support this proposal and are committed to the
    Charter and projected meeting schedule.
    Note: need a minimum of 5, of which at least two of which must work for OASIS 
    Organizational Members.
    Anyu Lee, anyu.lee@gmail.com, ChangFeng Alliance
    Abbie Barbir, abbieb@nortel.com, Nortel
    William Cox, wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com, Cox Software Architects
    James Guo, james.guowei@gmail.com, Digital China
    Alex Wang, dlwang@sursen.com, Beijing Sursen Co. Ltd
    Kirk Yang, yangyp@digitalchina.com, Beijing Digital China Limited
    Pine Zhang, pine_zhang@sursen.com, UOML Alliance
    Chen XiuZhi, chengxz@ch2000.com.cn, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Co. Ltd.
    Hu GuangBin, huguangbin@myce.net.cn, CE Open Source Software Co. Ltd
    Jin YouBing, jinyb@redflag2000.cn, Beijing Redflag Chinese 2000 Co. Ltd.
    Li ChunQing, cli@tongtech.com, Beijing Tong Tech Co Ltd 
    Li ZiangKai, xiangkaili@redflag-linux.com, Redflag Software Co. Ltd 
    Yuan Yuan, yuanyuan@myce.net.cn , CE Open Source Software Co. Ltd
    Xie ZhenMo, zmxie@redflag-linux.com, Redflag Software Co. Ltd
     (2)(e) The name of the Convener who must be an Eligible Person.
    Anyu Lee, anyu.lee@gmail.com, ChangFeng Alliance
     (2)(f) The name of the Member Section with which the TC intends to affiliate
    The SOA-EERP TC intends to affiliate with the OASIS ChangFeng Open Standards Lab
    (COSL) Member Section.
     (2)(g) Optionally, a list of contributions of existing technical work that the
    proposers anticipate will be made to this TC.
    Beijing eBridge China: development versions of EERP and specifications.
     (2)(h) Optionally, a draft Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document regarding
    the planned scope of the TC, for posting on the TC's website.
    To Be Developed.
    Additional information on EERP can be found in the following OASIS Symposium
    presentations and tutorials:
    (2)(i) Optionally, a proposed working title and acronym for the specification(s)
    to be developed by the TC. 
    To Be Developed.