The lengthy statement "Other contributions will be accepted..." is
repeated verbatim in (1)(b) and (1)(c). Please eliminate one, and make
clear what this means (see my comments on licensing for more detail).
In (1)(c) item 7 says "the Telecom Member section TC". A member section
is not a TC.
The numbered lists are referred to as bulleted lists but by item number,
e.g., "bullet number 4".
The deliverables do not have projected dates except for the first one.
Must be corrected. Your plan is not at all obvious, and its timing and
scope is not clear.
The telecom requirements have clearly inspired this work, but the work
needs a broader audience for its broader purpose. Section (1)(d) needs
to be reconsidered in this light:
(1)(d) ..."The TC will closely coordinate with other TCs, particularly
with those in the Telecom Member Section to ensure that related
specifications are consistent and can be used with each other." But the
TC is not affiliated with the Telecom Member Section, and there are
other TCs in the related work comments that should be explicitly
coordinated with.
You say "...the co-chairs will..." but the chairing of the TC is not
determined until the first meeting.
bill cox
William Cox
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax