It seems that there is an issue with the room number. Am I the only
one having a connection problem?
Sorry for the inconveniencde,
Charles-H. Schulz.
Le 4 sept. 08 à 16:45, Mary McRae a écrit :
> A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10 September at
> 11am ET
> to discuss the proposed charter for the Open Document Format
> Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical Committee.
> Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and
> optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other
> interested
> OASIS Members are invited to observe.
> Call in details:
> US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
> Skype: +9900 827 5802079
> Conference Room Number: 5802079
> Other international numbers can be found here:
> http://www.highspeedconferencing.com/quickstart.htm
> Agenda:
> - welcome
> - identification of participants
> - review of any comments received
> - staff comments
> - review of any action items
> - recruiting
> - marketing
> - review of remaining schedule
> The proposed charter is included below for reference.
> Regards,
> Mary
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Mary P McRae
> Director, Technical Committee Administration
> OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
> email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
> web: www.oasis-open.org
> phone: 1.603.232.9090
> ====
> OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)
> Technical
> Committee
> 1a. Name
> OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)
> Technical
> Committee
> 1b. Statement of Purpose
> The OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS
> Standard defines an XML schema and semantics for a document format for
> office applications. OpenDocument Format is suitable for office
> documents,
> including text documents, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents
> like drawings or presentations, but is not restricted to these kinds
> of
> documents.
> There are several commercial and open source applications available
> based
> on the OpenDocument Format, with more currently under development.
> With
> the depth and breadth of functionality specified by OpenDocument
> Format
> (ODF), achieving conformance and interoperability requires attention
> to
> numerous details and diverse requirements.
> It is the purpose of the OIC TC to produce materials and host events
> that
> will help implementors create applications which conform the ODF
> standard
> and which are able to interoperate.
> 1c. Scope of Work
> In accordance with the OIC TC's purpose, the scope of our work will
> include the following activities:
> 1. Initially and periodically thereafter, to review the current
> state of
> conformance and interoperability among a number of ODF
> implementations; To
> produce reports on overall trends in conformance and
> interoperability that
> note areas of accomplishment as well as areas needing improvement,
> and to
> recommend prioritized activities for advancing the state of
> conformance
> and interoperability among ODF implementations in general without
> identifying or commenting on particular implementations;
> 2.To collect the provisions of the ODF standard, and of standards
> normatively referenced by the ODF standard, and to produce a
> comprehensive
> conformity assessment methodology specification which enumerates all
> collected provisions, as well as specific actions recommended to
> test each
> provision, including definition of preconditions, expected results,
> scoring and reporting;
> 3.To select a corpus of ODF interoperability test documents, such
> documents to be created by the OIC TC, or received as member or public
> contributions; To publish the ODF interoperability test corpus and
> promote
> its use in interoperability workshops and similar events;
> 4.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
> implementations in the same vertical domain, for example, ODF/A for
> archiving;
> 5.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
> implementations in the same horizontal domain, for example ODF
> Mobile for
> pervasive devices, or ODF Web for browser-based editors.
> 6.To provide feedback, where necessary, to the OASIS Open Document
> Format
> for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC on changes to ODF that might
> improve interoperability;
> 7.To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC, Interop
> Workshops and OASIS InterOp Demonstrations related to ODF;
> 8.To liaise on conformance and interoperability topics with other
> TC's and
> bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ODF
> specifications,
> and with committees dealing with conformance and interoperability in
> general.
> The following activities are explicitly not within the Scope of the
> TC:
> 1.Acting as a rating or certifying authority or agency for
> conformance of
> particular ODF implementations;
> 2.Authoring or distributing software that tests the conformance or
> interoperability of ODF implementations;
> 1d. List of Deliverables
> 1.Initial report on the state of ODF conformance and interoperability
> (March 1st, 2009);
> 2.Report on the best practices on profiles and recommendations on
> possible
> ODF-related profiles (April 1st, 2009);
> 3.A conformity assessment methodology specification, detailing how
> each
> provision and recommendation in the ODF standard may be tested for
> conformance (May 1st, 2009);
> 4.Interoperability test corpus documents, released in batches,
> according
> to functional area (several incremental deliverables, Q4 2008 through
> 2009)
> 1e. IPR Mode
> This TC will operate under the "RF on Limited Terms" mode
> 1f. Audience
> The direct audience of the OIC TC's work will be:
> 1. Implementors -- Commercial and Open Source publishers of ODF
> native or
> compatible applications and tools.
> 2. Testers -- Third-party testing and certification labs.
> 3. Procurers -- Those who purchase or define requirements for the
> purchase
> of ODF-related technology.
> 4. Regulators -- Officials who specify the use of document standards.
> Other, indirect users of the TC's work may include:
> 1. Integrators -- Third-party developers and independent software
> vendors
> who interact with and/or integrate ODF.
> 2. Users -- End Users of ODF applications and tools, including both
> typical
> and "power" users.
> 1g. Language of the TC
> TC business will be conducted in English.
> 2. Informative information
> 2a. Similar work
> We note the work of Lotzi Bölöni at the University of Central
> Florida and
> his initial work in defining an ODF "test suite", work now
> maintained by
> the Open Document Fellowship:
> http://develop.opendocumentfellowship.com/testsuite/
> We also note that the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines
> (TAG)
> TC may be of use to us in defining test cases:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=tag
> Sun Microsystems has also done some work related to ODF conformance
> testing:
> http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/entry/openoffice_org_odf_validation_service
> We note that the W3C has test suite projects pertaining to several
> of the
> standards which ODF references, including MathML and XForms. We would
> expect to consult with them on any overlapping topics.
> We also note the work of Rajiv Shah and Jay Kesan, "Lost in
> Translation:
> Interoperability Issues for Open Standards - ODF and OOXML as
> Examples",
> The Proceedings of the 36th Research Conference on Communication,
> Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Arlington, VA, Sept.26-28,
> 2008,
> available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201708
> This work, its references, and similar comparisons among ODF
> implementations as well as translation efforts may inform the TC's
> initial
> approach to surveying the current state of ODF conformance and
> interoperability and determining priorities for the development of
> conformity assessment methodology specifications.
> Finally we observe that the OASIS Open Document Format for Office
> Applications (OpenDocument) TC owns the development of the ODF
> standard,
> with all that it implies, including the definition of conformance
> for the
> various versions of ODF. The OIC TC's work does not overlap with it,
> since
> its scope would not include defining conformance for ODF, but defining
> test cases (preconditions, specific test actions, expected results)
> that
> are traceable to the provisions of the ODF standard and referenced
> standards.
> 2b. First meeting.
> The initial meeting will be by telephone, hosted by IBM, and will
> occur
> on Wednesday, 22 October 2008 at 1400 GMT (10am ET, 7am PT).
> 2c. Meeting schedule
> We anticipate meeting, by teleconference, initially every week as we
> prepare for an interoperability workshop in November, and then
> reverting
> to a normal alternate week meeting schedule
> 2d. Minimum membership who support this proposal.
> 1. Robert Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
> 2. Bart Hanssens, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, Individual
> 3. Dennis E. Hamilton, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, Individual
> 4. Zaheda Bhorat, zaheda@google.com, Google
> 5. Charles-H. Schulz, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, Ars Aperta
> 6. Michael Brauer, michael.brauer@sun.com, Sun Microsystems
> 7. Donald Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com, IBM
> 8. Alan Clark, ACLARK@novell.com, Novell
> 9. Jerry Smith, Jerry.Smith@disa.mil, US Department of Defense
> 2e. Convener: Robert Weir/ IBM
> 2f. Member section affiliation: None
> 2g. (optional) Contributions: None
> 2h (optional) FAQ's: N/A
> 2i (optional) Working titles and acronyms for specifications: None.
Charles-H. Schulz
Associé / Founding Partner,
Ars Aperta