OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

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  • 1.  OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-04-2008 14:46
    A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10 September at 11am ET
    to discuss the proposed charter for the Open Document Format
    Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical Committee.
    Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and
    optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other interested
    OASIS Members are invited to observe.
    Call in details:
    US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
    Skype: +9900 827 5802079
    Conference Room Number: 5802079
    Other international numbers can be found here:
    - welcome
    - identification of participants
    - review of any comments received
    - staff comments
    - review of any action items
    - recruiting
    - marketing
    - review of remaining schedule
    The proposed charter is included below for reference.
    Mary P McRae
    Director, Technical Committee Administration
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
    web: www.oasis-open.org
    phone: 1.603.232.9090
    OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical
    1a. Name
    OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical 
    1b. Statement of Purpose
    The OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS 
    Standard defines an XML schema and semantics for a document format for 
    office applications. OpenDocument Format is suitable for office documents, 
    including text documents, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents 
    like drawings or presentations, but is not restricted to these kinds of 
    There are several commercial and open source applications available based 
    on the OpenDocument Format, with more currently under development. With 
    the depth and breadth of functionality specified by OpenDocument Format 
    (ODF), achieving conformance and interoperability requires attention to 
    numerous details and diverse requirements. 
    It is the purpose of the OIC TC to produce materials and host events that 
    will help implementors create applications which conform the ODF standard 
    and which are able to interoperate. 
    1c. Scope of Work
    In accordance with the OIC TC's purpose, the scope of our work will 
    include the following activities: 
    1. Initially and periodically thereafter, to review the current state of 
    conformance and interoperability among a number of ODF implementations; To 
    produce reports on overall trends in conformance and interoperability that 
    note areas of accomplishment as well as areas needing improvement, and to 
    recommend prioritized activities for advancing the state of conformance 
    and interoperability among ODF implementations in general without 
    identifying or commenting on particular implementations; 
    2.To collect the provisions of the ODF standard, and of standards 
    normatively referenced by the ODF standard, and to produce a comprehensive 
    conformity assessment methodology specification which enumerates all 
    collected provisions, as well as specific actions recommended to test each 
    provision, including definition of preconditions, expected results, 
    scoring and reporting; 
    3.To select a corpus of ODF interoperability test documents, such 
    documents to be created by the OIC TC, or received as member or public 
    contributions; To publish the ODF interoperability test corpus and promote 
    its use in interoperability workshops and similar events; 
    4.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among 
    implementations in the same vertical domain, for example, ODF/A for 
    5.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among 
    implementations in the same horizontal domain, for example ODF Mobile for 
    pervasive devices, or ODF Web for browser-based editors. 
    6.To provide feedback, where necessary, to the OASIS Open Document Format 
    for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC on changes to ODF that might 
    improve interoperability; 
    7.To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC, Interop 
    Workshops and OASIS InterOp Demonstrations related to ODF; 
    8.To liaise on conformance and interoperability topics with other TC's and 
    bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ODF specifications, 
    and with committees dealing with conformance and interoperability in 
    The following activities are explicitly not within the Scope of the OIC 
    1.Acting as a rating or certifying authority or agency for conformance of 
    particular ODF implementations; 
    2.Authoring or distributing software that tests the conformance or 
    interoperability of ODF implementations; 
    1d. List of Deliverables
    1.Initial report on the state of ODF conformance and interoperability 
    (March 1st, 2009); 
    2.Report on the best practices on profiles and recommendations on possible 
    ODF-related profiles (April 1st, 2009); 
    3.A conformity assessment methodology specification, detailing how each 
    provision and recommendation in the ODF standard may be tested for 
    conformance (May 1st, 2009); 
    4.Interoperability test corpus documents, released in batches, according 
    to functional area (several incremental deliverables, Q4 2008 through 
    1e. IPR Mode
    This TC will operate under the "RF on Limited Terms" mode
    1f. Audience
    The direct audience of the OIC TC's work will be: 
    1. Implementors -- Commercial and Open Source publishers of ODF native or 
    compatible applications and tools. 
    2. Testers -- Third-party testing and certification labs. 
    3. Procurers -- Those who purchase or define requirements for the purchase 
    of ODF-related technology. 
    4. Regulators -- Officials who specify the use of document standards.
    Other, indirect users of the TC's work may include: 
    1. Integrators -- Third-party developers and independent software vendors 
    who interact with and/or integrate ODF. 
    2. Users -- End Users of ODF applications and tools, including both typical 
    and "power" users.
    1g. Language of the TC
    TC business will be conducted in English.
    2. Informative information
    2a. Similar work 
    We note the work of Lotzi Bölöni at the University of Central Florida and 
    his initial work in defining an ODF "test suite", work now maintained by 
    the Open Document Fellowship: 
    We also note that the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) 
    TC may be of use to us in defining test cases:
    Sun Microsystems has also done some work related to ODF conformance 
    We note that the W3C has test suite projects pertaining to several of the 
    standards which ODF references, including MathML and XForms. We would 
    expect to consult with them on any overlapping topics. 
    We also note the work of Rajiv Shah and Jay Kesan, "Lost in Translation: 
    Interoperability Issues for Open Standards - ODF and OOXML as Examples", 
    The Proceedings of the 36th Research Conference on Communication, 
    Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Arlington, VA, Sept.26-28, 2008, 
    available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201708 
    This work, its references, and similar comparisons among ODF 
    implementations as well as translation efforts may inform the TC's initial 
    approach to surveying the current state of ODF conformance and 
    interoperability and determining priorities for the development of 
    conformity assessment methodology specifications.
    Finally we observe that the OASIS Open Document Format for Office 
    Applications (OpenDocument) TC owns the development of the ODF standard, 
    with all that it implies, including the definition of conformance for the 
    various versions of ODF. The OIC TC's work does not overlap with it, since 
    its scope would not include defining conformance for ODF, but defining 
    test cases (preconditions, specific test actions, expected results) that 
    are traceable to the provisions of the ODF standard and referenced 
    2b. First meeting.
    The initial meeting will be by telephone, hosted by IBM, and will occur 
    on Wednesday, 22 October 2008 at 1400 GMT (10am ET, 7am PT).
    2c. Meeting schedule
    We anticipate meeting, by teleconference, initially every week as we 
    prepare for an interoperability workshop in November, and then reverting 
    to a normal alternate week meeting schedule
    2d. Minimum membership who support this proposal.
    1. Robert Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
    2. Bart Hanssens, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, Individual
    3. Dennis E. Hamilton, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, Individual
    4. Zaheda Bhorat, zaheda@google.com, Google
    5. Charles-H. Schulz, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, Ars Aperta
    6. Michael Brauer, michael.brauer@sun.com, Sun Microsystems
    7. Donald Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com, IBM
    8. Alan Clark, ACLARK@novell.com, Novell
    9. Jerry Smith, Jerry.Smith@disa.mil, US Department of Defense
    2e. Convener:  Robert Weir/ IBM
    2f. Member section affiliation: None
    2g. (optional) Contributions:  None
    2h (optional) FAQ's: N/A
    2i (optional) Working titles and acronyms for specifications: None. 

  • 2.  Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-04-2008 15:03
    that's feasible for me; but it does conflict with the OASIS ODF Adoption
    TC weekly confcall. Would it be possible to delay or schedule it one hour
    before the Adoption TC call?
    thank you,
    Charles-H. Schulz,
    Associé / Associate,
    Ars Aperta.
    > A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10 September at 11am
    > ET
    > to discuss the proposed charter for the Open Document Format
    > Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical Committee.
    > Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and
    > optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other interested
    > OASIS Members are invited to observe.
    > Call in details:
    > US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
    > Skype: +9900 827 5802079
    > Conference Room Number: 5802079
    > Other international numbers can be found here:
    > http://www.highspeedconferencing.com/quickstart.htm
    > Agenda:
    > - welcome
    > - identification of participants
    > - review of any comments received
    > - staff comments
    > - review of any action items
    > - recruiting
    > - marketing
    > - review of remaining schedule
    > The proposed charter is included below for reference.
    > Regards,
    > Mary
    > ---------------------------------------------------
    > Mary P McRae
    > Director, Technical Committee Administration
    > OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    > email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    > web: www.oasis-open.org
    > phone: 1.603.232.9090
    > ====
    > OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)
    > Technical
    > Committee
    > 1a. Name
    > OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)
    > Technical
    > Committee
    > 1b. Statement of Purpose
    > The OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS
    > Standard defines an XML schema and semantics for a document format for
    > office applications. OpenDocument Format is suitable for office documents,
    > including text documents, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents
    > like drawings or presentations, but is not restricted to these kinds of
    > documents.
    > There are several commercial and open source applications available based
    > on the OpenDocument Format, with more currently under development. With
    > the depth and breadth of functionality specified by OpenDocument Format
    > (ODF), achieving conformance and interoperability requires attention to
    > numerous details and diverse requirements.
    > It is the purpose of the OIC TC to produce materials and host events that
    > will help implementors create applications which conform the ODF standard
    > and which are able to interoperate.
    > 1c. Scope of Work
    > In accordance with the OIC TC's purpose, the scope of our work will
    > include the following activities:
    > 1. Initially and periodically thereafter, to review the current state of
    > conformance and interoperability among a number of ODF implementations; To
    > produce reports on overall trends in conformance and interoperability that
    > note areas of accomplishment as well as areas needing improvement, and to
    > recommend prioritized activities for advancing the state of conformance
    > and interoperability among ODF implementations in general without
    > identifying or commenting on particular implementations;
    > 2.To collect the provisions of the ODF standard, and of standards
    > normatively referenced by the ODF standard, and to produce a comprehensive
    > conformity assessment methodology specification which enumerates all
    > collected provisions, as well as specific actions recommended to test each
    > provision, including definition of preconditions, expected results,
    > scoring and reporting;
    > 3.To select a corpus of ODF interoperability test documents, such
    > documents to be created by the OIC TC, or received as member or public
    > contributions; To publish the ODF interoperability test corpus and promote
    > its use in interoperability workshops and similar events;
    > 4.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    > implementations in the same vertical domain, for example, ODF/A for
    > archiving;
    > 5.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    > implementations in the same horizontal domain, for example ODF Mobile for
    > pervasive devices, or ODF Web for browser-based editors.
    > 6.To provide feedback, where necessary, to the OASIS Open Document Format
    > for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC on changes to ODF that might
    > improve interoperability;
    > 7.To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC, Interop
    > Workshops and OASIS InterOp Demonstrations related to ODF;
    > 8.To liaise on conformance and interoperability topics with other TC's and
    > bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ODF specifications,
    > and with committees dealing with conformance and interoperability in
    > general.
    > The following activities are explicitly not within the Scope of the OIC
    > TC:
    > 1.Acting as a rating or certifying authority or agency for conformance of
    > particular ODF implementations;
    > 2.Authoring or distributing software that tests the conformance or
    > interoperability of ODF implementations;
    > 1d. List of Deliverables
    > 1.Initial report on the state of ODF conformance and interoperability
    > (March 1st, 2009);
    > 2.Report on the best practices on profiles and recommendations on possible
    > ODF-related profiles (April 1st, 2009);
    > 3.A conformity assessment methodology specification, detailing how each
    > provision and recommendation in the ODF standard may be tested for
    > conformance (May 1st, 2009);
    > 4.Interoperability test corpus documents, released in batches, according
    > to functional area (several incremental deliverables, Q4 2008 through
    > 2009)
    > 1e. IPR Mode
    > This TC will operate under the "RF on Limited Terms" mode
    > 1f. Audience
    > The direct audience of the OIC TC's work will be:
    > 1. Implementors -- Commercial and Open Source publishers of ODF native or
    > compatible applications and tools.
    > 2. Testers -- Third-party testing and certification labs.
    > 3. Procurers -- Those who purchase or define requirements for the purchase
    > of ODF-related technology.
    > 4. Regulators -- Officials who specify the use of document standards.
    > Other, indirect users of the TC's work may include:
    > 1. Integrators -- Third-party developers and independent software vendors
    > who interact with and/or integrate ODF.
    > 2. Users -- End Users of ODF applications and tools, including both
    > typical
    > and "power" users.
    > 1g. Language of the TC
    > TC business will be conducted in English.
    > 2. Informative information
    > 2a. Similar work
    > We note the work of Lotzi Bölöni at the University of Central Florida and
    > his initial work in defining an ODF "test suite", work now maintained by
    > the Open Document Fellowship:
    > http://develop.opendocumentfellowship.com/testsuite/
    > We also note that the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG)
    > TC may be of use to us in defining test cases:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=tag
    > Sun Microsystems has also done some work related to ODF conformance
    > testing:
    > http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/entry/openoffice_org_odf_validation_service
    > We note that the W3C has test suite projects pertaining to several of the
    > standards which ODF references, including MathML and XForms. We would
    > expect to consult with them on any overlapping topics.
    > We also note the work of Rajiv Shah and Jay Kesan, "Lost in Translation:
    > Interoperability Issues for Open Standards - ODF and OOXML as Examples",
    > The Proceedings of the 36th Research Conference on Communication,
    > Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Arlington, VA, Sept.26-28, 2008,
    > available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201708
    > This work, its references, and similar comparisons among ODF
    > implementations as well as translation efforts may inform the TC's initial
    > approach to surveying the current state of ODF conformance and
    > interoperability and determining priorities for the development of
    > conformity assessment methodology specifications.
    > Finally we observe that the OASIS Open Document Format for Office
    > Applications (OpenDocument) TC owns the development of the ODF standard,
    > with all that it implies, including the definition of conformance for the
    > various versions of ODF. The OIC TC's work does not overlap with it, since
    > its scope would not include defining conformance for ODF, but defining
    > test cases (preconditions, specific test actions, expected results) that
    > are traceable to the provisions of the ODF standard and referenced
    > standards.
    > 2b. First meeting.
    > The initial meeting will be by telephone, hosted by IBM, and will occur
    > on Wednesday, 22 October 2008 at 1400 GMT (10am ET, 7am PT).
    > 2c. Meeting schedule
    > We anticipate meeting, by teleconference, initially every week as we
    > prepare for an interoperability workshop in November, and then reverting
    > to a normal alternate week meeting schedule
    > 2d. Minimum membership who support this proposal.
    > 1. Robert Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
    > 2. Bart Hanssens, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, Individual
    > 3. Dennis E. Hamilton, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, Individual
    > 4. Zaheda Bhorat, zaheda@google.com, Google
    > 5. Charles-H. Schulz, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, Ars Aperta
    > 6. Michael Brauer, michael.brauer@sun.com, Sun Microsystems
    > 7. Donald Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com, IBM
    > 8. Alan Clark, ACLARK@novell.com, Novell
    > 9. Jerry Smith, Jerry.Smith@disa.mil, US Department of Defense
    > 2e. Convener:  Robert Weir/ IBM
    > 2f. Member section affiliation: None
    > 2g. (optional) Contributions:  None
    > 2h (optional) FAQ's: N/A
    > 2i (optional) Working titles and acronyms for specifications: None.

  • 3.  Re: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-04-2008 18:54
    ODF Adoption TC should be Tuesday, not Wednesday, right?
    "Charles H Schulz" 

  • 4.  Re: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-04-2008 20:25
    my bad. I misread the date. You're right, then there should be no  
    problem at all.
    Le 4 sept. 08 à 20:56, robert_weir@us.ibm.com a écrit :
    > ODF Adoption TC should be Tuesday, not Wednesday, right?
    > -Rob
    > "Charles H Schulz" 

  • 5.  Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-04-2008 21:25


    There is no conflict with an ODF Adoption TC call for Wed., Sep 10th. I explained this in a previous note.

    Don Harbison
    Program Director, IBM ODF Initiative
    Business & Technical Strategy
    IBM Software Group
    Mobile: +1-978-761-0116
    email: donald_harbison@us.ibm.com

    From: "Charles H Schulz" <charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com>
    To: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    Cc: oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org, "'Staff-Standards'" <staff-standards@lists.oasis-open.org>, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, zaheda@google.com, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, michael.brauer@sun.com, "'Donald Harbison/Cambridge/IBM'" <donald_harbison@us.ibm.com>, aclark@novell.com, jerry.smith@disa.mil
    Date: 09/04/2008 05:15 PM
    Subject: Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference


    that's feasible for me; but it does conflict with the OASIS ODF Adoption
    TC weekly confcall. Would it be possible to delay or schedule it one hour
    before the Adoption TC call?

    thank you,
    Charles-H. Schulz,
    Associé / Associate,
    Ars Aperta.

    > A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10 September at 11am
    > ET
    > to discuss the proposed charter for the Open Document Format
    > Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical Committee.
    > Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and
    > optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other interested
    > OASIS Members are invited to observe.
    > Call in details:
    > US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
    > Skype: +9900 827 5802079
    > Conference Room Number: 5802079
    > Other international numbers can be found here:
    > Agenda:
    > - welcome
    > - identification of participants
    > - review of any comments received
    > - staff comments
    > - review of any action items
    > - recruiting
    > - marketing
    > - review of remaining schedule
    > The proposed charter is included below for reference.
    > Regards,
    > Mary
    > ---------------------------------------------------
    > Mary P McRae
    > Director, Technical Committee Administration
    > OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    > email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    > web:
    > phone: 1.603.232.9090
    > ====
    > OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)
    > Technical
    > Committee
    > 1a. Name
    > OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)
    > Technical
    > Committee
    > 1b. Statement of Purpose
    > The OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS
    > Standard defines an XML schema and semantics for a document format for
    > office applications. OpenDocument Format is suitable for office documents,
    > including text documents, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents
    > like drawings or presentations, but is not restricted to these kinds of
    > documents.
    > There are several commercial and open source applications available based
    > on the OpenDocument Format, with more currently under development. With
    > the depth and breadth of functionality specified by OpenDocument Format
    > (ODF), achieving conformance and interoperability requires attention to
    > numerous details and diverse requirements.
    > It is the purpose of the OIC TC to produce materials and host events that
    > will help implementors create applications which conform the ODF standard
    > and which are able to interoperate.
    > 1c. Scope of Work
    > In accordance with the OIC TC's purpose, the scope of our work will
    > include the following activities:
    > 1. Initially and periodically thereafter, to review the current state of
    > conformance and interoperability among a number of ODF implementations; To
    > produce reports on overall trends in conformance and interoperability that
    > note areas of accomplishment as well as areas needing improvement, and to
    > recommend prioritized activities for advancing the state of conformance
    > and interoperability among ODF implementations in general without
    > identifying or commenting on particular implementations;
    > 2.To collect the provisions of the ODF standard, and of standards
    > normatively referenced by the ODF standard, and to produce a comprehensive
    > conformity assessment methodology specification which enumerates all
    > collected provisions, as well as specific actions recommended to test each
    > provision, including definition of preconditions, expected results,
    > scoring and reporting;
    > 3.To select a corpus of ODF interoperability test documents, such
    > documents to be created by the OIC TC, or received as member or public
    > contributions; To publish the ODF interoperability test corpus and promote
    > its use in interoperability workshops and similar events;
    > 4.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    > implementations in the same vertical domain, for example, ODF/A for
    > archiving;
    > 5.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    > implementations in the same horizontal domain, for example ODF Mobile for
    > pervasive devices, or ODF Web for browser-based editors.
    > 6.To provide feedback, where necessary, to the OASIS Open Document Format
    > for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC on changes to ODF that might
    > improve interoperability;
    > 7.To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC, Interop
    > Workshops and OASIS InterOp Demonstrations related to ODF;
    > 8.To liaise on conformance and interoperability topics with other TC's and
    > bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ODF specifications,
    > and with committees dealing with conformance and interoperability in
    > general.
    > The following activities are explicitly not within the Scope of the OIC
    > TC:
    > 1.Acting as a rating or certifying authority or agency for conformance of
    > particular ODF implementations;
    > 2.Authoring or distributing software that tests the conformance or
    > interoperability of ODF implementations;
    > 1d. List of Deliverables
    > 1.Initial report on the state of ODF conformance and interoperability
    > (March 1st, 2009);
    > 2.Report on the best practices on profiles and recommendations on possible
    > ODF-related profiles (April 1st, 2009);
    > 3.A conformity assessment methodology specification, detailing how each
    > provision and recommendation in the ODF standard may be tested for
    > conformance (May 1st, 2009);
    > 4.Interoperability test corpus documents, released in batches, according
    > to functional area (several incremental deliverables, Q4 2008 through
    > 2009)
    > 1e. IPR Mode
    > This TC will operate under the "RF on Limited Terms" mode
    > 1f. Audience
    > The direct audience of the OIC TC's work will be:
    > 1. Implementors -- Commercial and Open Source publishers of ODF native or
    > compatible applications and tools.
    > 2. Testers -- Third-party testing and certification labs.
    > 3. Procurers -- Those who purchase or define requirements for the purchase
    > of ODF-related technology.
    > 4. Regulators -- Officials who specify the use of document standards.
    > Other, indirect users of the TC's work may include:
    > 1. Integrators -- Third-party developers and independent software vendors
    > who interact with and/or integrate ODF.
    > 2. Users -- End Users of ODF applications and tools, including both
    > typical
    > and "power" users.
    > 1g. Language of the TC
    > TC business will be conducted in English.
    > 2. Informative information
    > 2a. Similar work
    > We note the work of Lotzi Bölöni at the University of Central Florida and
    > his initial work in defining an ODF "test suite", work now maintained by
    > the Open Document Fellowship:
    > We also note that the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG)
    > TC may be of use to us in defining test cases:
    > Sun Microsystems has also done some work related to ODF conformance
    > testing:
    > We note that the W3C has test suite projects pertaining to several of the
    > standards which ODF references, including MathML and XForms. We would
    > expect to consult with them on any overlapping topics.
    > We also note the work of Rajiv Shah and Jay Kesan, "Lost in Translation:
    > Interoperability Issues for Open Standards - ODF and OOXML as Examples",
    > The Proceedings of the 36th Research Conference on Communication,
    > Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Arlington, VA, Sept.26-28, 2008,
    > available at SSRN:
    > This work, its references, and similar comparisons among ODF
    > implementations as well as translation efforts may inform the TC's initial
    > approach to surveying the current state of ODF conformance and
    > interoperability and determining priorities for the development of
    > conformity assessment methodology specifications.
    > Finally we observe that the OASIS Open Document Format for Office
    > Applications (OpenDocument) TC owns the development of the ODF standard,
    > with all that it implies, including the definition of conformance for the
    > various versions of ODF. The OIC TC's work does not overlap with it, since
    > its scope would not include defining conformance for ODF, but defining
    > test cases (preconditions, specific test actions, expected results) that
    > are traceable to the provisions of the ODF standard and referenced
    > standards.
    > 2b. First meeting.
    > The initial meeting will be by telephone, hosted by IBM, and will occur
    > on Wednesday, 22 October 2008 at 1400 GMT (10am ET, 7am PT).
    > 2c. Meeting schedule
    > We anticipate meeting, by teleconference, initially every week as we
    > prepare for an interoperability workshop in November, and then reverting
    > to a normal alternate week meeting schedule
    > 2d. Minimum membership who support this proposal.
    > 1. Robert Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
    > 2. Bart Hanssens, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, Individual
    > 3. Dennis E. Hamilton, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, Individual
    > 4. Zaheda Bhorat, zaheda@google.com, Google
    > 5. Charles-H. Schulz, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, Ars Aperta
    > 6. Michael Brauer, michael.brauer@sun.com, Sun Microsystems
    > 7. Donald Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com, IBM
    > 8. Alan Clark, ACLARK@novell.com, Novell
    > 9. Jerry Smith, Jerry.Smith@disa.mil, US Department of Defense
    > 2e. Convener:  Robert Weir/ IBM
    > 2f. Member section affiliation: None
    > 2g. (optional) Contributions:  None
    > 2h (optional) FAQ's: N/A
    > 2i (optional) Working titles and acronyms for specifications: None.

  • 6.  Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-05-2008 08:24
    Indeed; then I'll be able to make it to the two calls.
    Le 4 sept. 08 à 23:27, Donald Harbison/Cambridge/IBM a écrit :
    > Charles,
    > There is no conflict with an ODF Adoption TC call for Wed., Sep  
    > 10th. I explained this in a previous note.
    > Don Harbison
    > Program Director, IBM ODF Initiative
    > Business & Technical Strategy
    > IBM Software Group
    > tel:1-978-399-7018
    > Mobile: +1-978-761-0116
    > email: donald_harbison@us.ibm.com
    > From:
    > "Charles H Schulz" 

  • 7.  Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-10-2008 15:05
    It seems that there is an issue with the room number. Am I the only  
    one having a connection problem?
    Sorry for the inconveniencde,
    Charles-H. Schulz.
    Le 4 sept. 08 à 16:45, Mary McRae a écrit :
    > A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10 September at  
    > 11am ET
    > to discuss the proposed charter for the Open Document Format
    > Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical Committee.
    > Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and
    > optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other  
    > interested
    > OASIS Members are invited to observe.
    > Call in details:
    > US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
    > Skype: +9900 827 5802079
    > Conference Room Number: 5802079
    > Other international numbers can be found here:
    > http://www.highspeedconferencing.com/quickstart.htm
    > Agenda:
    > - welcome
    > - identification of participants
    > - review of any comments received
    > - staff comments
    > - review of any action items
    > - recruiting
    > - marketing
    > - review of remaining schedule
    > The proposed charter is included below for reference.
    > Regards,
    > Mary
    > ---------------------------------------------------
    > Mary P McRae
    > Director, Technical Committee Administration
    > OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    > email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    > web: www.oasis-open.org
    > phone: 1.603.232.9090
    > ====
    > OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)  
    > Technical
    > Committee
    > 1a. Name
    > OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC)  
    > Technical
    > Committee
    > 1b. Statement of Purpose
    > The OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS
    > Standard defines an XML schema and semantics for a document format for
    > office applications. OpenDocument Format is suitable for office  
    > documents,
    > including text documents, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents
    > like drawings or presentations, but is not restricted to these kinds  
    > of
    > documents.
    > There are several commercial and open source applications available  
    > based
    > on the OpenDocument Format, with more currently under development.  
    > With
    > the depth and breadth of functionality specified by OpenDocument  
    > Format
    > (ODF), achieving conformance and interoperability requires attention  
    > to
    > numerous details and diverse requirements.
    > It is the purpose of the OIC TC to produce materials and host events  
    > that
    > will help implementors create applications which conform the ODF  
    > standard
    > and which are able to interoperate.
    > 1c. Scope of Work
    > In accordance with the OIC TC's purpose, the scope of our work will
    > include the following activities:
    > 1. Initially and periodically thereafter, to review the current  
    > state of
    > conformance and interoperability among a number of ODF  
    > implementations; To
    > produce reports on overall trends in conformance and  
    > interoperability that
    > note areas of accomplishment as well as areas needing improvement,  
    > and to
    > recommend prioritized activities for advancing the state of  
    > conformance
    > and interoperability among ODF implementations in general without
    > identifying or commenting on particular implementations;
    > 2.To collect the provisions of the ODF standard, and of standards
    > normatively referenced by the ODF standard, and to produce a  
    > comprehensive
    > conformity assessment methodology specification which enumerates all
    > collected provisions, as well as specific actions recommended to  
    > test each
    > provision, including definition of preconditions, expected results,
    > scoring and reporting;
    > 3.To select a corpus of ODF interoperability test documents, such
    > documents to be created by the OIC TC, or received as member or public
    > contributions; To publish the ODF interoperability test corpus and  
    > promote
    > its use in interoperability workshops and similar events;
    > 4.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    > implementations in the same vertical domain, for example, ODF/A for
    > archiving;
    > 5.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    > implementations in the same horizontal domain, for example ODF  
    > Mobile for
    > pervasive devices, or ODF Web for browser-based editors.
    > 6.To provide feedback, where necessary, to the OASIS Open Document  
    > Format
    > for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC on changes to ODF that might
    > improve interoperability;
    > 7.To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC, Interop
    > Workshops and OASIS InterOp Demonstrations related to ODF;
    > 8.To liaise on conformance and interoperability topics with other  
    > TC's and
    > bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ODF  
    > specifications,
    > and with committees dealing with conformance and interoperability in
    > general.
    > The following activities are explicitly not within the Scope of the  
    > OIC
    > TC:
    > 1.Acting as a rating or certifying authority or agency for  
    > conformance of
    > particular ODF implementations;
    > 2.Authoring or distributing software that tests the conformance or
    > interoperability of ODF implementations;
    > 1d. List of Deliverables
    > 1.Initial report on the state of ODF conformance and interoperability
    > (March 1st, 2009);
    > 2.Report on the best practices on profiles and recommendations on  
    > possible
    > ODF-related profiles (April 1st, 2009);
    > 3.A conformity assessment methodology specification, detailing how  
    > each
    > provision and recommendation in the ODF standard may be tested for
    > conformance (May 1st, 2009);
    > 4.Interoperability test corpus documents, released in batches,  
    > according
    > to functional area (several incremental deliverables, Q4 2008 through
    > 2009)
    > 1e. IPR Mode
    > This TC will operate under the "RF on Limited Terms" mode
    > 1f. Audience
    > The direct audience of the OIC TC's work will be:
    > 1. Implementors -- Commercial and Open Source publishers of ODF  
    > native or
    > compatible applications and tools.
    > 2. Testers -- Third-party testing and certification labs.
    > 3. Procurers -- Those who purchase or define requirements for the  
    > purchase
    > of ODF-related technology.
    > 4. Regulators -- Officials who specify the use of document standards.
    > Other, indirect users of the TC's work may include:
    > 1. Integrators -- Third-party developers and independent software  
    > vendors
    > who interact with and/or integrate ODF.
    > 2. Users -- End Users of ODF applications and tools, including both  
    > typical
    > and "power" users.
    > 1g. Language of the TC
    > TC business will be conducted in English.
    > 2. Informative information
    > 2a. Similar work
    > We note the work of Lotzi Bölöni at the University of Central  
    > Florida and
    > his initial work in defining an ODF "test suite", work now  
    > maintained by
    > the Open Document Fellowship:
    > http://develop.opendocumentfellowship.com/testsuite/
    > We also note that the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines  
    > (TAG)
    > TC may be of use to us in defining test cases:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=tag
    > Sun Microsystems has also done some work related to ODF conformance
    > testing:
    > http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/entry/openoffice_org_odf_validation_service
    > We note that the W3C has test suite projects pertaining to several  
    > of the
    > standards which ODF references, including MathML and XForms. We would
    > expect to consult with them on any overlapping topics.
    > We also note the work of Rajiv Shah and Jay Kesan, "Lost in  
    > Translation:
    > Interoperability Issues for Open Standards - ODF and OOXML as  
    > Examples",
    > The Proceedings of the 36th Research Conference on Communication,
    > Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Arlington, VA, Sept.26-28,  
    > 2008,
    > available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201708
    > This work, its references, and similar comparisons among ODF
    > implementations as well as translation efforts may inform the TC's  
    > initial
    > approach to surveying the current state of ODF conformance and
    > interoperability and determining priorities for the development of
    > conformity assessment methodology specifications.
    > Finally we observe that the OASIS Open Document Format for Office
    > Applications (OpenDocument) TC owns the development of the ODF  
    > standard,
    > with all that it implies, including the definition of conformance  
    > for the
    > various versions of ODF. The OIC TC's work does not overlap with it,  
    > since
    > its scope would not include defining conformance for ODF, but defining
    > test cases (preconditions, specific test actions, expected results)  
    > that
    > are traceable to the provisions of the ODF standard and referenced
    > standards.
    > 2b. First meeting.
    > The initial meeting will be by telephone, hosted by IBM, and will  
    > occur
    > on Wednesday, 22 October 2008 at 1400 GMT (10am ET, 7am PT).
    > 2c. Meeting schedule
    > We anticipate meeting, by teleconference, initially every week as we
    > prepare for an interoperability workshop in November, and then  
    > reverting
    > to a normal alternate week meeting schedule
    > 2d. Minimum membership who support this proposal.
    > 1. Robert Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
    > 2. Bart Hanssens, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, Individual
    > 3. Dennis E. Hamilton, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, Individual
    > 4. Zaheda Bhorat, zaheda@google.com, Google
    > 5. Charles-H. Schulz, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, Ars Aperta
    > 6. Michael Brauer, michael.brauer@sun.com, Sun Microsystems
    > 7. Donald Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com, IBM
    > 8. Alan Clark, ACLARK@novell.com, Novell
    > 9. Jerry Smith, Jerry.Smith@disa.mil, US Department of Defense
    > 2e. Convener:  Robert Weir/ IBM
    > 2f. Member section affiliation: None
    > 2g. (optional) Contributions:  None
    > 2h (optional) FAQ's: N/A
    > 2i (optional) Working titles and acronyms for specifications: None.
    Charles-H. Schulz
    Associé / Founding Partner,
    Ars Aperta

  • 8.  Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-10-2008 15:22
    Mary - I am having problems connecting. Is there a number I can reach you on ?

    On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:45 AM, Mary McRae <mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org> wrote:
    A conference call has been scheduled for Wednesday, 10 September at 11am ET
    to discuss the proposed charter for the Open Document Format
    Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical Committee.

    Participants include the TC Convenor, the OASIS TC Administrator, and
    optionally other members of OASIS staff and TC Proposers. Other interested
    OASIS Members are invited to observe.

    Call in details:
    US dial in: +1-605-475-8500
    Skype: +9900 827 5802079
    Conference Room Number: 5802079
    Other international numbers can be found here:

    - welcome
    - identification of participants
    - review of any comments received
    - staff comments
    - review of any action items
    - recruiting
    - marketing
    - review of remaining schedule

    The proposed charter is included below for reference.



    Mary P McRae
    Director, Technical Committee Administration
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    web: www.oasis-open.org
    phone: 1.603.232.9090


    OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical

    1a. Name

    OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Technical

    1b. Statement of Purpose

    The OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS
    Standard defines an XML schema and semantics for a document format for
    office applications. OpenDocument Format is suitable for office documents,
    including text documents, spreadsheets, charts and graphical documents
    like drawings or presentations, but is not restricted to these kinds of

    There are several commercial and open source applications available based
    on the OpenDocument Format, with more currently under development. With
    the depth and breadth of functionality specified by OpenDocument Format
    (ODF), achieving conformance and interoperability requires attention to
    numerous details and diverse requirements.

    It is the purpose of the OIC TC to produce materials and host events that
    will help implementors create applications which conform the ODF standard
    and which are able to interoperate.

    1c. Scope of Work

    In accordance with the OIC TC's purpose, the scope of our work will
    include the following activities:

    1. Initially and periodically thereafter, to review the current state of
    conformance and interoperability among a number of ODF implementations; To
    produce reports on overall trends in conformance and interoperability that
    note areas of accomplishment as well as areas needing improvement, and to
    recommend prioritized activities for advancing the state of conformance
    and interoperability among ODF implementations in general without
    identifying or commenting on particular implementations;

    2.To collect the provisions of the ODF standard, and of standards
    normatively referenced by the ODF standard, and to produce a comprehensive
    conformity assessment methodology specification which enumerates all
    collected provisions, as well as specific actions recommended to test each
    provision, including definition of preconditions, expected results,
    scoring and reporting;

    3.To select a corpus of ODF interoperability test documents, such
    documents to be created by the OIC TC, or received as member or public
    contributions; To publish the ODF interoperability test corpus and promote
    its use in interoperability workshops and similar events;

    4.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    implementations in the same vertical domain, for example, ODF/A for

    5.To define profiles of ODF which will increase interoperability among
    implementations in the same horizontal domain, for example ODF Mobile for
    pervasive devices, or ODF Web for browser-based editors.

    6.To provide feedback, where necessary, to the OASIS Open Document Format
    for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC on changes to ODF that might
    improve interoperability;

    7.To coordinate, in conjunction with the ODF Adoption TC, Interop
    Workshops and OASIS InterOp Demonstrations related to ODF;

    8.To liaise on conformance and interoperability topics with other TC's and
    bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ODF specifications,
    and with committees dealing with conformance and interoperability in

    The following activities are explicitly not within the Scope of the OIC

    1.Acting as a rating or certifying authority or agency for conformance of
    particular ODF implementations;

    2.Authoring or distributing software that tests the conformance or
    interoperability of ODF implementations;

    1d. List of Deliverables

    1.Initial report on the state of ODF conformance and interoperability
    (March 1st, 2009);

    2.Report on the best practices on profiles and recommendations on possible
    ODF-related profiles (April 1st, 2009);

    3.A conformity assessment methodology specification, detailing how each
    provision and recommendation in the ODF standard may be tested for
    conformance (May 1st, 2009);

    4.Interoperability test corpus documents, released in batches, according
    to functional area (several incremental deliverables, Q4 2008 through

    1e. IPR Mode

    This TC will operate under the "RF on Limited Terms" mode

    1f. Audience

    The direct audience of the OIC TC's work will be:

    1. Implementors -- Commercial and Open Source publishers of ODF native or
    compatible applications and tools.
    2. Testers -- Third-party testing and certification labs.
    3. Procurers -- Those who purchase or define requirements for the purchase
    of ODF-related technology.
    4. Regulators -- Officials who specify the use of document standards.

    Other, indirect users of the TC's work may include:

    1. Integrators -- Third-party developers and independent software vendors
    who interact with and/or integrate ODF.
    2. Users -- End Users of ODF applications and tools, including both typical
    and "power" users.

    1g. Language of the TC

    TC business will be conducted in English.

    2. Informative information

    2a. Similar work

    We note the work of Lotzi Bölöni at the University of Central Florida and
    his initial work in defining an ODF "test suite", work now maintained by
    the Open Document Fellowship:

    We also note that the work of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG)
    TC may be of use to us in defining test cases:

    Sun Microsystems has also done some work related to ODF conformance

    We note that the W3C has test suite projects pertaining to several of the
    standards which ODF references, including MathML and XForms. We would
    expect to consult with them on any overlapping topics.

    We also note the work of Rajiv Shah and Jay Kesan, "Lost in Translation:
    Interoperability Issues for Open Standards - ODF and OOXML as Examples",
    The Proceedings of the 36th Research Conference on Communication,
    Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), Arlington, VA, Sept.26-28, 2008,
    available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201708

    This work, its references, and similar comparisons among ODF
    implementations as well as translation efforts may inform the TC's initial
    approach to surveying the current state of ODF conformance and
    interoperability and determining priorities for the development of
    conformity assessment methodology specifications.

    Finally we observe that the OASIS Open Document Format for Office
    Applications (OpenDocument) TC owns the development of the ODF standard,
    with all that it implies, including the definition of conformance for the
    various versions of ODF. The OIC TC's work does not overlap with it, since
    its scope would not include defining conformance for ODF, but defining
    test cases (preconditions, specific test actions, expected results) that
    are traceable to the provisions of the ODF standard and referenced

    2b. First meeting.

    The initial meeting will be by telephone, hosted by IBM, and will occur
    on Wednesday, 22 October 2008 at 1400 GMT (10am ET, 7am PT).

    2c. Meeting schedule

    We anticipate meeting, by teleconference, initially every week as we
    prepare for an interoperability workshop in November, and then reverting
    to a normal alternate week meeting schedule

    2d. Minimum membership who support this proposal.

    1. Robert Weir, robert_weir@us.ibm.com, IBM
    2. Bart Hanssens, bart.hanssens@skynet.be, Individual
    3. Dennis E. Hamilton, dennis.hamilton@acm.org, Individual
    4. Zaheda Bhorat, zaheda@google.com, Google
    5. Charles-H. Schulz, charles-h.schulz@arsaperta.com, Ars Aperta
    6. Michael Brauer, michael.brauer@sun.com, Sun Microsystems
    7. Donald Harbison, donald_harbison@us.ibm.com, IBM
    8. Alan Clark, ACLARK@novell.com, Novell
    9. Jerry Smith, Jerry.Smith@disa.mil, US Department of Defense

    2e. Convener:  Robert Weir/ IBM

    2f. Member section affiliation: None

    2g. (optional) Contributions:  None

    2h (optional) FAQ's: N/A

    2i (optional) Working titles and acronyms for specifications: None.

  • 9.  Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-10-2008 15:26
    I confirm, I cannot connect as it pushes me back because of an  
    incorrect room number.
    Le 10 sept. 08 à 17:22, Zaheda Bhorat a écrit :
    > Mary - I am having problems connecting. Is there a number I can  
    > reach you on ?
    > Zaheda
    > On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:45 AM, Mary McRae 

  • 10.  RE: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: OIC Pre-Launch Teleconference

    Posted 09-15-2008 14:24
    Hi Darrel,
    If I understand your question right,  I think you are asking how what
    we're proposing to do differs from the semantic Web for orchestration.
    What is different in MOX than the Semantic Web is that XML Schema
    contains semantics that can be formalized into owl and RDF.  The
    semantic Web stack simply states that RDF/owl annotates XML Schema.  On
    the other hand, MOX aims to specify how RDF/owl are produced from XML
    Schemas. Another difference is that mapping relations in the semantic
    Web can be applied onto ontologies.  Using MOX, mapping relations can
    be applied on XML schemas and ontologies.  MoX also specifies how
    mapping relations generate mediation code which is not the purpose of
    the Semantic Web.
    I hope this helps.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Thanks, Marwan
    * from: "Thomas, Darrel"