OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

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Proposed Charter for OASIS Service Component Architecture Policy (SCA-Policy) Technical Committee - 2 of 6

  • 1.  Proposed Charter for OASIS Service Component Architecture Policy (SCA-Policy) Technical Committee - 2 of 6

    Posted 06-29-2007 15:58
    To OASIS Members:
      A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish the OASIS Service Component Architecture Policy (SCA-Policy)
    Technical Committee. In accordance with the OASIS TC Process Policy section 2.2: 
    (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#2.2) the proposed charter is hereby submitted for comment. The comment
    period shall remain open until 11:45 pm ET on 13 July 2007. 
      OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting comments on proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post
    to this list by sending email to:
    mailto:oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org. All messages will be publicly archived at: 
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oasis-charter-discuss/. Members who wish to receive emails must join the group by
    selecting "join group" on the group home page:
    http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oasis-charter-discuss/. Employees of organizational members do not require
    primary representative approval to subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss e-mail.
      A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC Administrator, and those proposers who wish to
    attend within four days of the close of the comment period. The announcement and call-in information will be
    noted on the OASIS Charter Discuss Group Calendar.
      We encourage member comment and ask that you note the name of the proposed TC (SCA-Policy) in the subject line of your
    email message. 
    Mary P McRae
    Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
    web: www.oasis-open.org
    phone: 603.232.9090
    a. Name
    OASIS Service Component Architecture Policy (SCA-Policy) Technical Committee (TC)
    Member Section Affiliation
    Open CSA Member Section
    b. Statement of Purpose
    The purpose of the Service Component Architecture Policy (SCA-Policy) Technical 
    Committee is to define a Policy Framework and policies Reliable Messaging, Security 
    and Transactions for the Service Component Architecture.  Service Component 
    Architecture (SCA) defines a model for the creation of business solutions using a 
    Service-Oriented Architecture, based on the concept of Service Components which offer 
    services and which make references to other services. SCA models business solutions as 
    compositions of groups of service components, wired together in a configuration that 
    satisfies the business goals.  SCA allows abstract requirements and concrete policies for 
    infrastructure capabilities such as security and transactions to be specified through 
    metadata attached to the compositions.
    This work will be carried out through continued refinement of the Service Component 
    Architecture Policy Specification Version 1.0 [2] as published by the Open SOA 
    collaboration in March 2007.
    c. Scope
    The TC will accept as input the March 2007 Version 1.0 of the Service Component 
    Architecture (SCA) Policy Framework Specification as published by the Open SOA 
    collaboration [2].
    The TC will also accept as input for reference the March 2007 Version 1.0 of the other 
    SCA Specifications which were published at the same time as the SCA Policy 
    Specification [1,3].
    Other contributions and changes to the input documents will be accepted for 
    consideration without any prejudice or restrictions and evaluated based on technical merit 
    in so far as they conform to this charter. OASIS members with extensive experience and 
    knowledge in these areas are particularly invited to participate.
    The scope of the TC's work is to continue further refinement and finalization of the Input 
    Documents to produce as output specifications that standardize the concepts, XML 
    documents and XML Schema renderings of the areas described below.
    Specific aims of the SCA Policy TC shall be as follows:
    1.	The TC shall address both interaction policies that apply to messages passed 
    between SCA components as well as implementation policies that influence the 
    behavior of SCA components and composites.
    2.	The TC shall develop mechanisms to define new abstract QoS requirements 
    (intents) and associate them with SCA constructs.  (See SCA Assembly Model 
    [1].)  Users must be able to customize such abstract requirements i.e. select the 
    exact policies they want to fulfill a particular requirement.  The definition of 
    specific intents is in-scope.
    3.	The TC shall develop mechanisms to associate concrete policies with SCA 
    constructs.  Policies may be expressed and attached using WS-Policy or other 
    policy mechanisms.
    4.	The TC shall specify how abstract requirements are mapped into concrete 
    policies.  A single requirement may map to multiple policies, for example the 
    WS-I profiles, BP, BSP, RSP.  Multiple abstract requirements may map to a 
    single policy. The capability for a set of one or more concrete policies to declare 
    which abstract requirements that the set satisfies shall be specified.
    5.	For interaction policies, defining how policies on services and references may be 
    matched on an SCA wire through static analysis, is in scope.
    6.	The TC shall define how a binding type implementation or component 
    implementation type can declare intents that it is capable of supporting either 
    natively or through configuration/attachment of concrete policy.  
    7.	The TC shall specify intents for, but not limited to, Reliable Messaging, Security 
    and Transactionality.  It may also specify intents for common usage profiles such 
    as the WS-I profiles.
    8.	The TC may specify concrete policies for, but not limited to, Reliable Messaging, 
    Security and Transactionality.  It may also specify concrete policies for common 
    usage profiles such as the WS-I profiles.
    Upwards Compatibility
    There are no formal requirements for upwards compatibility from the input documents to 
    this TC. This is to ensure that the TC has maximum freedom of action in defining the 
    OASIS standard. However it is recognized that there will be early implementations in the 
    marketplace based upon these input documents and careful consideration must be applied 
    to any change of feature/function that would cause incompatibilities in the OASIS 
    standard at:
    *	Source Code level
    *	Compiled Object Code
    *	XML data definitions
    At minimum, known enhancements to the input documents that will cause compatibility 
    issues with early implementations in the marketplace will be specified in a chapter in the 
    specification offering migration guidance.
    In line with the OASIS TC process, the TC will produce normative conformance 
    information describing the normative characteristics of the specification and specific 
    statements about what an implementation must do to conform to the specification, what 
    aspects are optional (if any).
    Test Suite
    The TC will produce a test suite which can be used to test conformance to the 
    specification which will include:
    1.	Describe a series of valid and invalid test cases which cover as much as is 
    practical of the conformance statements of the specifications produced by this TC, 
    with a description of each of the artifacts involved, constraints on the 
    environment, the test case characteristics and their expected behavior. 
    2.	The provided artifacts should be independent of implementation language and 
    binding type, and show clear mappings which allow the provision of suitable 
    concrete implementations and concrete binding type, with any required policies.  
    The artifacts may include SCA composites expressed in XML, WSDL interface 
    files, and XSD files, along with other similar files that express the required 
    characteristics of the environment for each test.
    3.	Example implementations and bindings and concrete policies may form part of 
    the test suite, and are only provided as working samples which can be replaced by 
    other specific implementations and bindings and policies.
    The Test Suite shall be packaged separately from the specifications produced by the TC 
    and will contain a set of materials including but not limited to SCA composite and related 
    SCA files, WSDL files, XSD files.
    The TC shall develop the test suite in collaboration with other TCs within the Open-CSA 
    Member Section.
    The following material should be considered as best practice for the preparation of 
    conformance and test suite materials:
    *	From OASIS: material on specification conformance statements: 
    *	From the W3C, material on specification variability, test metadata & 
    specification clarity: 
    Out of Scope
    The following is a non-exhaustive list. It is provided only for the sake of clarity. If some 
    function, mechanism or feature is not mentioned here, and it is not mentioned in the 
    Scope of Work section either, then it will be deemed to be out of scope. 
    The TC will not define a mapping of the functions and elements described in the 
    specifications to any programming language, to any particular messaging middleware, 
    nor to specific network transports.
    The following items are specifically out of scope of the work of the TC:
    1.	Creation of a new concrete policy expression language, including modification to 
    existing policy languages.  That is, the semantics of existing policy language(s) 
    used cannot be altered by the work of the TC.
    2.	Requirement to use any specific policy expression language, such as WS-Policy. 
    3.	Areas of capability described by the various Web services specifications.  SCA 
    uses the Web services specifications, but is not intended to define or modify Web 
    services functions, other than specific extensions required to capture SCA 
    concepts identified in the in-scope section.
    d. Deliverables
    The TC has the following set of deliverables:
    1.	A  Service Component Architecture Policy Framework Specification and 
    associated Schema which encompasses the following items. A Committee 
    Specification is scheduled for completion within 12 months of the first TC 
    a.	A set of XML structures to specify abstract requirements and policy 
    wrappers and associate them with SCA constructs.
    b.	Semantics for the use of the above structures.
    c.	A set of commonly used intents and policies that every SCA 
    implementation must support to be compliant.
    d.	Conformance statements
    2.	A complete Test Suite specification for the SCA Policy Framework Specification, 
    including a document and the related materials described in the scope section. A 
    Committee Specification is scheduled for completion within 12 months of the first 
    TC meeting.
    3.	For each deliverable listed above, the TC shall define a concrete exit criteria as 
    early as possible after the TC starts operating. The exit criteria should include 
    measures to ensure that the specifications produced by the TC are implementable, 
    the test suite produced by the TC is useful to test the compliance of the 
    implementations, and the stated goal of the specifications (such as 
    interoperability, portability, etc) is demonstratably achieved by the 
    Exit Criteria
    The TC shall define concrete exit criteria that include at least two independent offerings 
    that implement and are compliant with the all normative portions of specifications and 
    demonstrate interoperability and portability as appropriate. Note that these are minimums 
    and that the TC is free to set more stringent criteria.
    Once the TC has completed work on a deliverable and it has become an OASIS standard, 
    the TC will enter "maintenance mode" for the deliverable.
    The purpose of maintenance mode is to provide minor revisions to previously adopted 
    deliverables to clarify ambiguities, inconsistencies and obvious errors.  Maintenance 
    mode is not intended to enhance a deliverable or extend its functionality.
    The TC will collect issues raised against the deliverables and periodically process those 
    issues.  Issues that request or require new or enhanced functionality shall be marked as 
    enhancement requests and set aside.  Issues that result in the clarification or correction of 
    the deliverables shall be processed.  The TC shall maintain a list of these adopted 
    clarifications and shall periodically create a new minor revision of the deliverables 
    including these updates.  Periodically, but at least once a year, the TC shall produce and 
    vote upon a new minor revision of the deliverables.
    e. IPR Mode
    The TC will operate under the RF on Limited Terms mode under the OASIS IPR Policy.
    f. Anticipated audience:
    The anticipated audience for this work includes:
    *	Vendors offering products designed to support applications using a service-
    oriented architecture
    *	Software architects and programmers, who design, write, integrate and deploy 
    applications using a service-oriented architecture
    *	Policy administrators who create and govern policy for services in a service-
    oriented architecture
    *	End users implementing solutions that require the ability to express abstract policy 
    requirements in an portable fashion
    *	Vendors making products used to integrate applications and services (both 
    hardware and software), such as ESBs.
    g. Language
    The TC shall conduct its proceedings in English.
    2. Non-normative information regarding the startup of the TC
    a. Related and similar work
    The SCA specifications are intended to encompass a range of technologies which are 
    useful in implementing service-oriented solutions.  These include the range of Web-
    services related specifications such as WSDL and SOAP, the various WS-Security 
    specifications, WS-Addressing, WS-Notification, WS-Policy. The list is extensive and 
    there is no limit to the relevance of these specifications to SCA.  SCA does not intend to 
    replace these specifications, but to build upon them.
    Other existing technologies such as Java Enterprise Edition and CORBA also have a 
    relationship to SCA and SCA anticipates optionally using these in relevant parts of the 
    specifications (e.g. to define specific implementation types for artifacts such as JEE 
    b. Proposed date, time, and location of first TC meeting
    Date: Sept 3
    Time: 12:00 EDT
    Duration: 1 hour
    Mode: Teleconference
    Telephone: Dial-in TBC, along with e-Meeting facilities
    Sponsor: BEA
    Date: Sept 18
    Time: 09:00 EDT
    Duration: 3 days (in parallel with F2F meetings of other TCs affiliated with this member 
    Mode: F2F meeting in East-Coast USA location (location TBC)
    Telephone: Dial-in TBC, along with e-Meeting facilities
    Sponsor: BEA
    c. On-going schedule
    Weekly 60 Minute teleconferences sponsored by TBD.
    Time TBC by the TC.
    It is anticipated that the committee will meet face-to-face once every quarter at a date and 
    venue to be decided by the TC, but with a commitment to hold meetings in different 
    regions of the world so as to share the effort of travel.
    d. Proposers
    The following eligible individuals are in support of this proposal:
    Ashok Malhotra, Oracle, ashok.malhotra@oracle.com
    Sabin Ielceanu, TIBCO Software, sabin@tibco.com
    Michael Rowley, BEA Systems, Inc., mrowley@bea.com
    Nicole Wengatz, Siemens AG, nicole.wengatz@siemens.com
    Patrick Leonard, Rogue Wave Software, pleonard@quovadx.com
    David Booz, IBM Corporation, booz@us.ibm.com 
    Sanjay Patil, SAP, sanjay.patil@sap.com
    Ron Ten-Hove, Sun Microsystems, ronald.ten-hove@sun.com
    e. Convener:
    Michael Rowley, BEA Systems, Inc., mrowley@bea.com
    f. Name of Member Section to which this TC is Affiliated
    Open CSA member section.
    g. Anticipated contributions
    It is expected that the existing SCA Policy Framework Specification Version 1.00 as 
    published in March 2007 will be a contributions from the Open SOA Collaboration (see 
    [1]), along with references to the other SCA Version 1.00 specifications (see [2]), plus 
    any work performed by the Open SOA collaboration between March 2007 and the start of 
    the work of the SCA-P TC.
    h. Draft FAQ Document
    Intentionally left empty.
    i. Proposed working title
    Service Component Architecture Policy Framework Specification
    [1] SCA Assembly Model Specification Version 1.0
    [2] SCA Policy Framework Specification Version 1.0
    [3] SCA Java Common Annotations and APIs Specification Version 1.0.