OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

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SV: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS Business Document Exchange (BusDox) TC

  • 1.  SV: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS Business Document Exchange (BusDox) TC

    Posted 10-27-2010 18:54
    Dear all
    The name is an acronym for 'BUsiness DOcument eXchange'.
    I will come back with a deeper explanation of this acronym.
    Best regards
    Jens Jakob Andersen
    National IT & Tele Agency
    --- Oprindelig besked ---
    Fra: "Peter F Brown (OASIS Individual Member)" <peter-oasis@justbrown.net>
    Emne: RE: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS Business Document Exchange (BusDox) TC
    Dato: 27. oktober 2010
    Klokkeslæt: 20:3952

    I’m a native European English speaker and BusDox just doesn’t do it for me. I agree with Jon that BizDocs is sharper and clearer, whatever any feeling there may be about “Biz” being an Americanism…

    BizDocs doesn’t seem to be a claimed as a service mark or trademark (registered or not), and certainly isn’t claimed as such by either e-bizdocs.com or bizdocs.com, the two potential contenders.

    In the case of E-BizDocs the fact that they have sought protection of a company slogan as a trademark but explicitly *not* the name “BizDocs”, would reinforce this PoV…



    From: Pim van der Eijk [mailto:pvde@sonnenglanz.net]
    Sent: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010 08:55
    To: 'Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress'; oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS Business Document Exchange (BusDox) TC

    Very funny.   (At least,  I'm assuming this is intended to be funny.  But I can't really tell, as I'm not a native speaker of English).


    You may have noted that some of the co-proposers of this charter are native speakers of English.   I will check again,  but as far as I know it was one of them that actually proposed this abbreviation.   I never questioned the abbreviation as I only got involved in the discussions when the abbreviation "BusDox" was already there.  


    FYI, there is also an OASIS DITA BusDocs SC. 


    DITA BusDocs means "DITA Enterprise Business Documents SC"

    It looks like the vast majority of the members of this SC are native speakers of English.  


    A quick Internet search seems to show that BIZdocs is some trademark, so it would violate the following TC process rule:

    "The name of the TC, such name not to have been previously used for an OASIS TC and not to include any trademarks or service marks not owned by OASIS".



    I'm tempted to continue but I think I should stop here.



    From: Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress [mailto:rden@loc.gov]
    Sent: 27 October 2010 17:27
    To: oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS Business Document Exchange (BusDox) TC

    "they will
    assume that the work of the group has something to do with buses
    and then puzzle unfruitfully over what "dox" could refer to."

    I didn't have any trouble with "dox". I assume it meant "docks" and that the spec had to do with where to park buses.
