I think I missed the "street thugs and bullies" comment, good thing. But
surely none of that is appropriate in the exploration to cooperate.
Original Message-----
From: Hallam-Baker, Phillip [mailto:pbaker@verisign.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:28 AM
To: John Messing; Arshad Noor
Cc: Dee Schur; idtrust-sc@lists.oasis-open.org;
Hannes.Tschofenig@siemens.com; tim.polk@nist.gov; hvantilb@visa.com; James
Bryce Clark; Russ Housley; Terwilliger,Ann
Subject: [idtrust-sc] RE: RE: Concerns with OASIS EKMI TC charter
It may or it may not be necessary to develop a symmetric key infrastructure
designed to meet such a threat model. Neither KEYPROV nor IEEE 1619.3
consider the possibility of public key systems being compromised as part of
their threat model so to that extent there is no overlap.
Whether or not EKMI proves to be the right vehicle to persue such a research
project it is clearly not in scope for the IETF.
But I really do not see much future for a working group whose organizers
accuse others of being "street thugs and bullies" without provocation.
Original Message-----
> From: John Messing [mailto:jmessing@law-on-line.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:45 AM
> To: Arshad Noor
> Cc: Dee Schur; idtrust-sc@lists.oasis-open.org;
> Hannes.Tschofenig@siemens.com; Hallam-Baker, Phillip;
> tim.polk@nist.gov; hvantilb@visa.com; 'James Bryce Clark';
> 'Russ Housley'
> Subject: RE: RE: Concerns with OASIS EKMI TC charter
> I conclude that the prospect of a new symmetric key standard
> has generated concern about the relationship to traditional
> PKI (including
> SSL) methods.
> I personally believe that the potential for commercial
> exploitation of quantum computers in a relatively short
> timeframe also urgently raises questions about the impact
> that such computers will likely have upon PKI generally
> (whether or not cataclysmic, as predicted) which could signal
> that asymmetric technologies are in the final stages of their
> useful life. If correct, then symmetric key usage may be a
> necessary alternative, and the dialogue assumes increased importance.
> I therefore respectfully suggest that the discussion raised
> in the emails between the various lists concerning the
> mission of the EKMI-TC is a healthy and important development
> that may transcend the concern that was initially stated.
> Best regards to all.
> John Messing
> Chair, LegalXML Member Section
> >