Friends, Please plan to join our EI-MS StC meeting today at noon eastern. We have several things to discuss and I hope we can have a quorum on the call. We will try to be quick about the administrative portion of the meeting to get to the discussion and decisions we need to make. The following agenda is proposed: 1. Attendance 2. Review of notes from prior meeting 3. CAP Workshop – over view and actions 4. Financial review – most recent report I have is loaded on the site at 5. Funding discussions/decisions a. Proposal from Werner Joerg b. Rex Brooks and NCOIC membership c. International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) San Antonio Nov 14-19 d. Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group (CITIG) will be held Nov 30-Dec 2 e. Object Management Group will be in Austin, TX Sept 15-19 f. Health Level 7 will be in Chicago, IL Sept 14-19 g. Request by IAEM Staff on behalf of Standards & Practices committee to participate on behalf of standards community. NIST Seeks Input on Standards Related to Disaster Resilience – Press Release at: NIST posting at: One day, July 30 Hobeken, NJ 6. Other business 7. Adjourn See you on the call, Elysa Elysa Jones