OASIS Emergency Steering Committee

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Proposal - Tim Grapes. Please respond

  • 1.  Proposal - Tim Grapes. Please respond

    Posted 07-08-2013 14:10
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    Friends,   Per our last call, I reached out to Tim Grapes regarding supporting our TEP SC work in the EM-TC.  He has provided the attached proposal.    We are in danger of not being able to make the Boston WG meeting of HL7 with anything meaningful on TEP if we don’t get moving soon.  We have discussed and will likely keep TEP out for an additional 30 day review as many folks originally interested have not responded.  We need additional time for review of that document and also someone who can reach out to SMEs directly.   We discussed this again in the EM-TC meeting last week.  It was agreed that we should not only commit the $4K for standards development to the work of TEP but also consider a minimal play at IAEM in Reno this year.  We could divert some of the IAEM funds as needed to help defray the expenses of getting Tim on board.   I spoke about this with Tim just now.  If we could approve at least for now his OASIS membership, he could get on board right away and have access to the information he would need.  He could reach out to those involved in the practitioner working group and standards development at S&T, HHS, ONC and Lib of Med, NDMS, JPATs and others.  He could also be available for the TEP SC and PHER WG meetings this Thurs.    We have our regular meeting of the Emergency Member Section this Fri where we can discuss what we are willing to do with the proposal submitted.  Tim is willing to do some of the work as a volunteer.  See the attached proposal and let’s decide on a long term solution.   I’m hoping if we call agree with a reply to this email to get his OASIS membership re-instated ASAP (unless, of course OASIS would approve him as a SME and allow us to save that membership fee – Jane, thoughts?)   Please respond.   Thanks, Elysa Attachment: TGrapesOASIS-TEPProposalJune2013.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
