OASIS Emergency Steering Committee

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  • 1.  Wash Tech e-seminar

    Posted 10-22-2007 13:17
    Here are more details on the Washington Tech e-Seminar at which David L and
    David A have agreed to represent the OASIS EI MS.
      9 Nov, time TBD: 15-minute walk-through of the system
      13 Nov, 10:30-noon ET: e-seminar (one-hour event preceded by 30 minutes
      D&D, please let me know if these days work for you.
    The editor, Michael Hardy would like D&D to jointly give a 25-35 minute
    presentation, using PowerPoint slides for
    visual and the telephone for the audio part. Michael will serve as moderator.
    While the presentation is underway and after it is done, the audience will type
    in questions that go into a queue. D&D will not need to worry about the
    submitted questions; Michael will select the best ones and read them aloud. 
    The theme again business opportunities for government contractors working in
    the field of communications interoperability for first responders. The audience
    will largely be people who work for government contractors, so the main
    emphasis of the event should be on market opportunities. That is, how do the
    government initiatives at the federal, state and local levels fit with the
    adoption of standards, the development of technologies, etc ... What kinds of
    market opportunities do those create? How does the OASIS EI MS facilitate this?
    Typically, anywhere from 200 to 400 people sign up for these e-seminars. Not
    everyone who signs up attends the live event, but those who do not can access
    an archive later that includes both the slides and the audio portion.
    D&D, please send me your photos (digital head shots); Washington Tech will use
    these to promote the e-seminar. 
    D&D will likely want to work jointly on the slides and decide how to divide the
    speaking. Please use the template at
    http://www.oasis-open.org/private/presenting.php and prepare your slides in
    time for them to be reviewed by the EI MS Steering Committee, Dee, Patrick, and
    While you can certainly identify yourselves as employees of your respective
    companies, remember that you are speaking on behalf of the OASIS Member
    Section. Be sure when you say things like "We plan..." and "Our goals.." that
    you're talking about the OASIS MS. I appreciate that some of *our* goals are
    shared by other organizations and companies, and that's great. Please just keep
    your OASIS Steering Committee hat firmly on your head. We'll be encouraging the
    members of the MS to attend this e-seminar, and we want them to feel like you
    are speaking on their behalf.
    Thanks so much for taking this on. I look forward to reviewing your slides,
    Carol Geyer
    Director of Communications
    +1.978.667.5115 x209 
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