OASIS Emergency Steering Committee

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  • 1.  Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member Section Steering Committee Election Now Open

    Posted 12-01-2009 19:13
    Emergency Interoperability Member Section Members,
    The Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member Section Steering Committee
    election is now open; voting closes at 5:00 PM ET on 16 December 2009.
    This year, the EI Member Section will elect three Steering Committee members
    to serve two-year terms. 
    Each EI Supporting Entity has one Qualified Elector who casts the single
    vote on behalf of his/her organization. Unless otherwise designated, the
    organization's Primary Representative serves as the Qualified Elector, see
    current roster,
    The Primary Rep may defer the voting member role to another employee
    member by sending an email to member-services@oasis-open.org; any such
    change should be in place before the ballot is cast.
    The three new Steering Committee members will be selected by the EI MS
    Qualified Electors, using the Single Transferable Voting (STV) process -
    Scottish Method, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote. STV
    considers each voter's ranked preference for candidates, in order to more
    accurately reflect the wishes of the electorate. To insure that all Members
    and Observers in this Member Section understand the election process, the
    voting instructions are as follows:
    Cast your vote by email to sc-election@oasis-open.org, your message should
    contain your ranked preference for the candidates.  Start with 1, continuing
    until you have no further preference for the remaining candidates.  
    1 First Candidate name
    2 Second Candidate name
    3 Third Candidate name
    Your candidates are alphanumerically listed:
    Melanie Chipman
    Bill Kalin
    David Lamensdorf
    Don McGarry
    The candidate profiles may be found at: 
    located in the 'Steering Committee Candidates - 11-2009' folder.
    We encourage all EI Member Section Members to vote in this election!
    Remember, vote by email to sc-election@oasis-open.org. Deadline is 5:00 PM
    ET - 16 December 2009.
    I am happy to answer any questions. Thank you in advance for your
    Best regards,
    Dee Schur, Member Support
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    +1.978.667.5115 x211

  • 2.  RE: [emergency-ms] Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member Section Steering Committee Election Now Open

    Posted 12-11-2009 15:20
    This is a reminder to vote in the Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member
    Section Steering Committee Election by 16 December.
    Thank you,
    Dee Schur, Member Support
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    +1.978.667.5115 x211

  • 3.  RE: [emergency-ms] Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member Section Steering Committee Election Now Open

    Posted 12-11-2009 15:20
    This is a reminder to vote in the Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member
    Section Steering Committee Election by 16 December.
    Thank you,
    Dee Schur, Member Support
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    +1.978.667.5115 x211

  • 4.  RE: [emergency-ms] Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member Section Steering Committee Election Now Open

    Posted 12-11-2009 15:20
    This is a reminder to vote in the Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member
    Section Steering Committee Election by 16 December.
    Thank you,
    Dee Schur, Member Support
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    +1.978.667.5115 x211