Enclosed is the note to IAEM attendees -- with a blurb on our workshop. Jane ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Julie Husk <
jhusk@asmii.net > Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 11:43 AM Subject: FW: Welcome to #IAEM 2022 Today To: Jane Harnad <
jharnad@oasis-open.org > Here you go. From: IAEM Dispatch <
iaem@multibriefs.com > Reply-To: IAEM Dispatch <
iaem@multibriefs.com > Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 10:24 AM To: Julie Husk <
Julie@iaem.com > Subject: Potential DKIM Failure Welcome to #IAEM 2022 Today This message was sent to
Julie@iaem.com To advertise in this publication please click here November 9, 2022 To view email in web browser, click here . Welcome to #IAEM Today IAEM #IAEM Today is a limited-edition publication. It will be sent to readers of the IAEM Dispatch and individuals registered for the IAEM 70th Annual Conference & EMEX . This pre-conference issue provides information about the upcoming events to help attendees maximize their experience. Future editions will be issued daily (7:00 am) during the conference (Sunday-Wednesday, November 13-16). There also will be a post-conference issue. The daily issues will contain information on upcoming events and summaries of several important sessions. The issues will provide a piece of the conference to the whole emergency management community. However, if you decide you do not want these six bonus issues of IAEM content, you may unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the issue. Unsubscribing from this publication will not unsubscribe you from your weekly IAEM Dispatch. IAEM2Go is your go-to resource in Savannah IAEM IAEM's conference app, IAEM2Go , is the complete conference dashboard with information on program times and locations, session descriptions and speakers, special events, maps, and travel information. It also includes everything attendees need to know about EMEX 2022 with exhibitor details and locations. IAEM2Go is the mobile way to stay updated on event information and announcements. Once downloaded, the information stays within the app even when cellular data or WiFi connections are not available. It is easy to get the app. Click
https://guidebook.com/g/dgkzmkaypzk4y65/ Or, search "IAEM" in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Tap "Download the app" to access the guide on your iOS or Android device. Once in the IAEM2Go App, search for and download the 2022 guide. Allowing alerts in the app will ensure you are notified of important conference changes. Help with the app is available at the registration desk in the Savannah Convention Center. For attendees without a mobile device, the app is available online. Paste this hyperlink
https://guidebook.com/g/#/guides/dgkzmkaypzk4y65/details in the URL bar of your phone's web browser. Make the most of your conference experience IAEM The IAEM Conference Committee recently held a webinar covering everything you need to know about this year's conference. Take a few minutes to view the video before you arrive. IAEM Turns 70 IAEM At this year's IAEM Annual Conference & EMEX, we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of IAEM. We would love to see you celebrate with us. During your time in Savannah, Georgia, use the hashtags on social media #IAEM22 and #IAEM70th. Share your favorite IAEM memories with us. IAEM Annual Conference to feature a half-day Federal Update Series on Sunday IAEM The IAEM Annual Conference & EMEX will offer a half-day Federal Update Series on Sunday, Nov. 13 from 12:15-4:00 p.m., just prior to the Welcome and Networking Party. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the following presentations: Leveraging Partnerships: Lessons Learned from FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants, Leveraging the FEMA National Exercise Program s Climate Adaptation Exercise Series to Meet the Challenge of Climate Change in Your Community, Evidence-Building in Emergency Management: Expanding Efforts to Measure the Effectiveness of Preparedness Investments, and Reimagining a Resilient-Centric Recove ry with the Help of SBA. Bring an item for the Silent and Live Auctions to benefit the IAEM Scholarship Program IAEM Items are still being accepted for the online silent and live auctions to benefit the IAEM Scholarship Program. The Online Silent Auction and Live Auction preview are being hosted via BetterWorld . Item donations may be uploaded online in the portal using the Online Item Donation Form . As you are packing, please bring them with you. If you are unable to upload them prior to departing, just bring the items with you and drop them off at the Silent Auction Booth in the registration area of the Savannah Convention Center. Questions may be directed to IAEM Scholarship Program Director Dawn M. Shiley . Savannah Conference Center is Cashless IAEM The Savannah Conference Center is cashless. Ensure you have a credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Purchase Basket Bonanza drawing tickets in advance IAEM The IAEM Basket Bonanza is a raffle of themed baskets created by IAEM Councils, Regions, Student Chapters, Caucuses, and other groups. All baskets will be drawn at 12:45 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 16 , in the registration area of the exhibit hall. Attendees are encouraged to pre-purchase their tickets online . Select the quantity of the tickets you want and pay by credit card. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the Basket Bonanza booth ready for you. All you will need to do is select the baskets you want a chance to win. 'Wireless Alerting Crash Course' newly added for Saturday, Nov. 12 IAEM Learn how to get up and running with wireless alerts! Wireless alerting is a game changer. Public safety managers who use wireless alerts are quickly reaching the public with lifesaving information even when cellular networks are jammed. However, many public safety managers are hesitant to use it because they don't know where to get started, don't know enough about it, or heard stories about it not working right. By attending this session, you'll learn from the best and get the facts. You'll learn how wireless alerting works, best practices and lessons learned, and what's being done to expand wireless alerting around the world. Alert origination and technical experts will provide you with applicable knowledge and answer the questions you were afraid to ask. This course, sponsored by Oasis Management Group, will be held 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12 an d will include lunch. The cost is $75 for conference attendees who have registered at the full, speaker, or student registration rates. To join the course, visit the IAEM website , go to the dashboard, on your dashboard click on "My Registrations", then "View Registration" for the IAEM 2022 Annual Conference. Add this event in the available functions section, click the continue button on the bottom right, and then the blue update registration button at the bottom right to complete your registration. Pre-conference courses are still available add them to your registration IAEM There are still some spaces in a few of the pre-conference training courses. To add a course, visit the IAEM website , go to the dashboard, on your dashboard click on "My Registrations," then "View Registration" for the IAEM 2022 Annual Conference. Add this event in the available functions section, click the continue button on the bottom right, and then the blue update registration button at the bottom right to complete your registration. The following courses have limited openings: L0219: Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) Workshop (1 Day: Sunday Session) L0300: ICS 300: Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents (3 Days: Fri.-Sun.) MGT-384 Community Preparedness for Cyber Incidents (1 days: Sat. 1:00-5:00 pm and Sun. 8:00 am-5:00 pm) MGT482 Introduction to Disaster Recovery Public Assistance Programs (1 days: Sat. 8:00 am-5:00 pm and Sun. 8:00 am-12:00 pm) Students and new emergency managers, don't miss these special events IAEM If you are a student or new to the emergency management profession, you won't want to miss IAEM's First Steps Mixer on Sunday evening, Oct. 17, from 4:15-5:15 p.m. Before the Mixer, plan to participate in the fourth annual offering of EMbark Career and Emerging Professionals' Day , starting at 12:00 p.m. EMbark provides interesting speakers, beneficial topics, and the opportunity to le arn more about the emergency management field. EMbark aims to give attendees information on navigating academics and practice to successfully transition to the workplace, including networking, identifying mentors and more. Sunrise Certification Breakfast tickets are available IAEM IAEM is hosting a complimentary breakfast for AEMs and CEMs to celebrate the certification designation on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 7:00 a.m. This is invitation-only for AEM/CEM recipients and is not transferable. Tickets are limited and may be added to your conference registration by logging into your IAEM Dashboard page and selecting Sunrise Certification Breakfast under Available Functions on your registration (top of the screen). Special event tickets are still available IAEM There are still some tickets available for the following events. Space is limited. To edit your registration to add tickets, login to your IAEM Dashboard page **Attendees must bring ticket to event to receive admittance** President Reception/Banquet AEM/CEM Awards Program: Tickets are available until Sunday, November 13, 2022 or until tickets are sold out, whichever comes first. Fee is $115. Advance ticket is required. Bid in the IAEM Scholarship Online Auction IAEM Even if you are not at the 2022 IAEM Annual Conference, you can participate in the Online Auction . Bidding is now open and will close at 12:30 pm EST, Wednesday, Nov. 16. Items will be added every day until the auction closes, so keep checking back to see what you colleagues may be donating onsite. Many incredible items and experiences are available in the portal. American Samoa Medical Center Authority Challenge Coin Vintage Shelter Management Handbook Star Wars EM Challenge Coin US Army "Old Guard" Fire and Drum Corps Challenge Coin Cat Patches of the FDNY SCEMA Gift Basket "It's In the IAP" Yeti Mug with IAEM Logo Apollo 15 Photos from NASA and Portfolio Cozy Getaway in the Vermont Mountains And more! If you need a mental break while at the conference IAEM The IAEM Mental Health and Wellness Caucus is happy to announce that the Brain Break Room is returning to this year's conference. The Brain Break Room will be available for conference attendees from Monday through Wednesday in the Convention Center Gwinnett Board Room. The room is designated as a place where you can take a break from the commotion, hustle and bustle, or frenzy that can happen at a conference. IAEM program updates are easy to find IAEM The IAEM Annual Conference program is online and always current with the latest changes. A printed version may be downloaded in Excel. Use the "Text Wrapping" option for tidy cells. Keep in mind, once printed, you will not have any updates that might occur after you print. Social Media Competition As you enjoy the conference, snap a picture with an old friend, new colleague, or takeaways from sessions. Three $50 Amazon gift cards will be given away. Follow these steps: Use the IAEM hashtag: #IAEM22 on your social media posts Scan the QR code on signs posted throughout the conference and complete the short form. Visit the Donald Lumpkins Crisis Tech Center (CTC) in the EMEX, Booth 539 to see the social media feed. IAEM Dispatch Connect with IAEM Hailey Golden , Director of Publishing, MultiView, 469-420-2630 Download media kit Bob Kowalski, Executive Editor, MultiView, 469-420-2650 Contribute news International Association of Emergency Managers 201 Park Washington Court Falls Church, VA 22046-4527 Elizabeth B. Armstrong, MAM, CAE, IAEM CEO, IAEM Executive Director Dawn M. Shiley, CAE, IAEM Dispatch POC, IAEM Communications and Marketing Manager (703) 538-1795 Contact Us
www.iaem.org/ Click here to unsubscribe. Learn how to add us to your safe sender list so our emails get to your inbox. ADVERTISE SUBSCRIBE PAST ISSUES 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063