Dear OASIS Member Section Steering Committees:
As was done in the past, the Board of Directors has reserved a
time slot in its upcoming face-to-face meeting, at the OASIS
Symposium later this month in Santa Clara, California [1]),
for any concerns of our Member Sections.
They have allocated time at 2:30 pm local time (US Pacific) on
Thursday, 1 May.[2] As before, the bulk of the Board meeting
is open to members for observation generally. Our Board would
be delighted to receive brief comments, reports or questions
from representatives of each of our MS Steering Committees.
* We'll be happy to see those of you who are joining us in Santa
* Telephonic call-in also should be available. We'll confirm the
call-in details closer to the date. .
* If neither is feasible for you, reports, comments and questions in
writing also will be quite welcome.
The Symposium, of course, features many other programs,
including the consortium's Annual General Meeting at which our
yearly progress is discussed -- along with matters such as recent
and planned rule changes and other major OASIS milestones.
Would you please let us know (my colleagues Dee Schur or Scott
McGrath or myself) if a Steering Committee representative plans to
attend, either in person or by phone, for planning purposes.
Please feel free to contact any of us if you have questions.
Thanks & regards Jamie
~ James Bryce Clark
~ Director of Standards Development, OASIS
[2] See: