Thank you, Cathie! I m happy to nominate Rex for another term. Don Mason is no longer with us but think IEM is still a member and may provide someone. There is no longer an Adoption TC. Haven t heard from Tom F, nice if he would come back. Best, Elysa From: <> On Behalf Of Cathie Mayo Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:11 PM To: Elysa Jones <>; Cc: Jane Harnad <>; Irene Heller <> Subject: [emergency-sc] StC Nominations Hi folks, Hope all is well. I am checking in about the StC election for 2023 and wanted to be sure I have the correct information. Currently I have Rex Brooks and Don Mason as the current at-large members with terms ending in 2023 and Jeff Waters term ending in 2024. Elysa as the Emergency TC Rep term expires in 2024. Tom Ferrentino rejoined in June, is he the Emergency Adoption TC Rep? Can you please let me know if the above is correct as I would like to send out the call for nominations and have StC settled by the end of November. Thanks for your help. Cathie -- Cathie Mayo Controller OASIS Open 400 TradeCenter Suite 5900 Woburn, MA 0180 1 +1 781-425-5073 (main) +1 781-569-5113 (direct)