Title: Email signature standard Dear Fellow XLIFF TC Members, There is a new proposed specification for xml:tm 2.0 available for public comment:
http://www.xtm-intl.com/manuals/xml-tm/xml-tm2.0.html If you are not familiar with the xml:tm standard you can gain an understanding by reading the following online article:
http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/01/07/xmltm.html The main change is to make XPath expressions easier for documents containing the xml:tm namespace, by removing the need for the top level tm:tm element. Attributes previously owned by the tm:tm attribute are now located in the document root element. xml:tm forms the basis for a state machine filteringof any XML docum ent for extraction to XLIFF. In fact this can be acheive d with an XSLT transformation and is inti mately linked to XLIFF as a vehicle for the localization of XML documents. xml:tm also forms a core part of the OASIS OAXAL SOA based reference architecture:
https://wiki.oasis-open.org/oaxal/FrontPage -- Best Regards, Andrzej Zydron --------------------------------------- CTO XTM International Ltd. PO Box 2167, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8XF, UK email:
azydron@xtm-intl.com Tel: +44 (0) 1753 480 479 Mob: +44 (0) 7966 477 181 skype: Zydron