OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Re: [xliff] Adding inline terminology information to XLIFF

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] Adding inline terminology information to XLIFF

    Posted 04-16-2004 17:21
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] Adding inline terminology information to XLIFF

    Hi G�rard and Yves,
    Please find attached a sample TBX file which covers the single term "alternating 
    current" for English and Spanish. A judicious review of the contents should 
    result in the following observations:
    1) That TBX is an excellent format for the exchange of terminology data.
    2) That TBX is most probably not such a good fit for the inline embedding of 
    terminology in XLIFF <target> elements.
    One way of using TBX with XLIFF would be to use the term reference ID to enable 
    accessing the term in a parallel attached TBX file e.g. using the tbx-example 
    file attached:
    <trans-unit id="1.0">
         <source>The motor needs 240V Alternating Current to operate</source>
         <target>The motor needs 240V <mrk mtype="term" ext:pos="NN" 
    ext:tgt="e2800372684057780651">Alternating Current</mrk> to operate</target>
    The key "e2800372684057780651" would then be used to locate the terminology data 
    in the TBX document. The TBX document would have to accompany the XLIFF file in 
    one form or another. Although this would be workable, it would for my purposes 
    fall into the category of overkill.
    I am very grateful to Yves for his suggestion, which meet my requirements 
    completely. For my application the proposes the <mrk> mechanism will be ideal.
    Best Regards,
    Yves Savourel wrote:
    > Agreed.