OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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  • 1.  Conformance clause proposal

    Posted 06-01-2010 16:49
    Hi All,
    Please find below a first draft of a conformance clause that we can use to
    start the discussion.
    An XLIFF document is said to be conformant with this specification if:
    1) It is a well formed document according to the specifications of
    Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/
    2) It is a valid document according to the grammar rules defined in the XML
    schemas that are part of this specification.
    An XLIFF document that includes custom extensions using the XML namespace
    mechanism  described in section XXX of this specification, will be
    considered conformant if, in additions to the constraints 1) and 2) defined
    above, the following requirements are met:
    a) The custom XML schemas required to validate the document are publicly
    b) The document is valid according to the grammar rules defined by the XML
    schemas included in this specification and the schemas that define the
    custom namespaces used in the file.
    Best regards,
    Rodolfo M. Raya   

  • 2.  RE: [xliff] Conformance clause proposal

    Posted 06-01-2010 18:01
    Thanks Rodolfo. Looks like a very good start to me.
    Maybe one possible change:
    "...of this specification, is considered conformant " instead of "...of this specification, will be considered conformant" ?

  • 3.  RE: [xliff] Conformance clause proposal

    Posted 06-01-2010 18:47
    Hi Yves,
    The wording can be changed and improved a lot. All I wanted is to provide some starting point.
    BTW, as I mentioned before, I'm willing to donate XLIFFChecker to OASIS so we can include it as part of the deliverables for XLIFF 2.0. We need a change in the charter for that.
    Rodolfo M. Raya