To: Those OASIS member voting representatives and individual members who are
voting "TC Qualified Members" for the OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File
Format (XLIFF) TC
As you probably know, OASIS adopted revisions to our IPR Policy effective on
15 April 2005.[1] TCs formed before that date continue to operate under the old
("legacy") policy. However, they may convert to the new policy by making a
"transition" under the terms of the OASIS IPR Transition Policy [2], by the
specific voting procedure described in the transition policy.
The OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC has notified
OASIS staff that it successfully conducted a Transition Request vote under the
IPR Transition Policy, to select the "RF on RAND Terms" IPR Mode. Accordingly, I
am opening a Transition Approval Ballot, in which the primary representatives of
all voting members of the committee may cast a ballot. A list of the current TC
voting members, as of the date of the Transition Request, is attached. In this
ballot, which will run for 14 days, the TC Qualified Members [3] each may cast
only a single vote. The ballot will allow for YES, NO, or ABSTAIN votes.
Approval of a Transition Approval Ballot requires:
(i) a minimum of 50% of all TC Qualified Members to vote,
(ii) no NO votes cast, and
(iii) one or more YES votes.
The ballot has opened and can be seen at [4]. Please note, for organizational
members, it is the primary OASIS representative who votes, so if you are not a
TC member, you may wish to consult your organization's active TC members
regarding this vote.
We will notify the XLIFF TC list and the voting "TC Qualified Members" of the
Mary McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
In the transition policy, the "TC Qualified Members" who may vote in this
ballot are defined as:
"either a TC Individual Voting Member or an OASIS Organizational Member that has
at least one voting member in the TC at the time the TC Individual Voting
Members approve the Transition Request and has signed the new Membership
TC Voting Member Qualified Member Primary Representative
Organizational Members:
Idiom Technologies, Inc.:
Steven Harris yes Peter Reynolds
Joachim Schurig yes Eric Blassin
Oracle Corporation:
Matthew Lovatt yes Martin Chapman
Christian Lieske yes Claus von Riegen
SDL International:
Magnus Martikainen yes David Pooley
Individual/Associate Members:
Doug Domeny yes Doug Domeny
Tony Jewtushenko yes Tony Jewtushenko
Milan Karasek yes Milan Karasek
Rodolfo Raya yes Rodolfo Raya
Florian Sachse yes Florian Sachse
Bryan Schnabel yes Bryan Schnabel
Andrzej Zydron yes Andrzej Zydron