Hi Yves and all, Am 24.04.2016 um 14:37 schrieb Yves Savourel <
ysavourel@enlaso.com >: Hi all, I'm trying to implement the very unpleasant annotatorsRef attribute of the ITS module and have a few questions about its definition in the current draft. This is in section annotatorsRef (
http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-21/xliff-core-v2.1.pdf ): 1) Why do we try to re-define the value of this attribute using terms like triples ? (In the ITS specification it's a reference , See
https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-its20-20131029/#its-tool-annotation for more details). 2) And as it tries to redefine the attribute value, why does the XLIFF draft mixes the syntax requirement with how to resolve the parsed value? For example it says the references need to be sorted alphabetically. In the ITS specification the sorting part is mentioned only when the text talks about how to resolve the values on each node. I would strongly suggest to just point to the ITS specification for both the constraints and processing requirement of this attribute. +1. Or to replicate verbatim the text of the specification (and still include a pointer). But defining the same thing in two places is usually a bad idea and opens the possibility of errors. We shouldn't try to interpret the ITS specification in the XLIFF ITS module. I would also drop the note in that same section. And replace the list of the data category identifiers by a pointer to
https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-its20-20131029/#datacategories-overview . +1 to both. On a side note: Is the reason why the resolved lists for each node need to be sorted I don’t recall either - *maybe* this is related to this comment
https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt-comments/2013Jan/0013.html See iii) Can a single annotatorsRef attribute value contain multiple entries for a single data category?“ Sorting the value may make it easier to compare - not only for the test suite but for two processes that generate ITS annotatorsRef values. You can do a simple string comparison to understand whether they have created the same values. Best, Felix because they needed to be the same in the tests? Because otherwise I can't recall any good reason for that requirement. And, by the way, it seems the example 22 in the ITS specification shows un-sorted resolved values (
https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-its20-20131029/examples/xml/EX-its-tool-annotation-1.xml ) Cheers, -yves --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: