Hello, Please take a look at these proposals on the feature tracking page (
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking ): 2.2. (T2) Document-centric Localisation 2.5. (T5) XLIFF as a Project Model 2.10. (T10) Terminology Markup Any member (voting or non-voting) who would like to take one/any of these, please let me know (or just claim it/them on the wiki). Each that is still unclaimed a week from today (Monday, 19 March), will be moved to section 3 as under Discarded Proposed Features Of course, since there is no prison term for discarded proposed features, nothing would prevent a member from re-proposing. Thanks, Bryan Schnabel Content Management Architect Phone: 503.627.5282