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Re: [xliff] XLIFF and Windows Resources

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] XLIFF and Windows Resources

    Posted 06-27-2002 13:40
    <xliff version='1.0'>
     <file original='somefile.exe' source-language='en-US' datatype='Win32 Resource'>
    1. The Win32 resource types that will be discussed here are menu, dialog, string, accelerator, and message. These are the resources that commonly contain localizable data.
    2. The Win32 resources are grouped by type. Thus, a group will be created for each resource type implemented.
    <xliff version='1.0'>
     <file original='somefile.exe' source-language='en-US' datatype='Win32 Resource'>
       <group restype='type'>


    1.1. Menu resources

    1. Menu resources will be grouped in the <group restype='menu'> group.
    2. Each menu is assigned an ID in the resource file and is grouped under that ID.
    3. The id attribute value of the menu container group is given the menu id, which is the parent id when retreiving the menu from an executable.
    4. A trans-unit is created for each menu-item.
    5. A serial value corresponding to the absolute retreival order of the resource is assigned for the id attribute value of the trans-unit. This is applied consistently throughout the menu and all subsequent resources. This allows us to assign a unique id to each resource within the resource file. It also is necessary because there is no name identifier associated with the parent menu-item of apop-up menu. For menus the retrieval order is the first menu-item followed by any pop-up menu-items followed by the next menu-item.
    6. The menu-option attribute value of the menu-item indicates that menu-item's location in the menu and provides the structure of the menu. These menu-options are additive so that a menu-option of 145 is a grayed (1) parent of a pop-up menu (16) and the last menu-item (128) in the current menu (145 = 1 + 16 + 128).
    7. The name of the menu-item becomes the resname attribute value of the trans-unit.
    8. Separators have a name value of 0, a menu-option of 0, and a null caption. The translate attribute value of these trans-units is 'no'.
    9. Following a trans-unit with a menu-option attribute value of 16 is a group containing the pop-up menu menu-items.
    10. The pop-up menu group will have a restype of 'popup-menu'.
    11. The caption of the menu-item becomes the content of the source element.
     <group restype='menu'>
      <group id='menu-id'>
       <trans-unit id='absolute retreival order' menu-option='menu-option' resname='name'>
       <trans-unit id='absolute retreival order' menu-option='menu-option' resname='name'>
       <group restype='popup-menu'>
        <trans-unit id='absolute retreival order' menu-option='menu-option' resname='name'>


    Example: Novell Red Menu 7519

    The main menu of Novell Red will be used as an example. The following is the main menu as displayed by Microsoft DevStudio.

    In this example, the menu identifier is '7519'. This menu consists of a menu-bar with three menu-items: &File, &Tools, and &Help. The '&' indicates the accelerator key to use in accessing the menu-item, thus the underlined character.

    Each of the menu-bar menu-items is followed by a pop-up menu. These pop-up menus are grouped together following the menu-item that is their parent.


    The resources of Novell Red's main menu are extracted in the following order.

    Example: Novell Red Menu ID 7519 Resources

    Id Parent Name Menu-option Caption
    1 7519 0 16 &File
    2 7519 7528 0 &Open...\tCtrl+O
    3 7519 7002 0 &Close\tCtrl+F4
    4 7519 7003 0 &Save\tCtrl+S
    5 7519 0 0  
    6 7519 7004 0 &Login to NILE...
    7 7519 65535 1 &Transfer
    8 7519 0 0  
    9 7519 7005 0 &Preferences...
    10 7519 0 0  
    11 7519 7006 0 Loa&d Custom DLL...
    12 7519 7007 0 &Remove Custom DLL...
    13 7519 0 0  
    14 7519 7008 128 E&xit\tAlt+F4
    15 7519 0 16 &Tools
    16 7519 7134 0 &Word Count...
    17 7519 7534 0 &Near Match Lookup...
    18 7519 7136 0 &Terminology Manager...\tAlt+F1
    19 7519 0 0  
    20 7519 0 145 &Macro
    21 7519 7137 0 &Play...\tAlt+F10
    22 7519 7138 128 &Edit...\tCtrl+F10
    23 7519 0 144 &Help
    24 7519 7160 0 &Help Topics
    25 7519 7161 0 &Tip of the Day...
    26 7519 0 0  
    27 7519 7162 128 &About...


    Example: Novell Red Menu 7519 in XLIFF

    <group restype='menu'>
     <group id='7519'>
      <trans-unit id='1' resname='0' menu-option='16'>
      <group restype='popup-menu'>
       <trans-unit id='2' resname='7528' menu-option='0'>
       <trans-unit id='3' resname='7002' menu-option='0'>
       <trans-unit id='4' resname='7003' menu-option='0'>
       <trans-unit id='5' resname='0' menu-option='0' translate='no'>
       <trans-unit id='6' resname='7004' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Login to NILE... </source>
       <trans-unit id='7' resname='65535' menu-option='1'>
       <trans-unit id='8' resname='0' menu-option='0' translate='no'>
       <trans-unit id='9' resname='7005' menu-option='0' >
        <source>&Preferences... </source>
       <trans-unit id='10' resname='0' menu-option='0' translate='no'>
       <trans-unit id='11' resname='7006' menu-option='0'>
        <source>Loa&d Custom DLL... </source>
       <trans-unit id='12' resname='7007' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Remove Custom DLL... </source>
       <trans-unit id='13' resname='0' menu-option='0' translate='no'>
       <trans-unit id='14' resname='7008' menu-option='128'>
      <trans-unit id='15' resname='0' menu-option='16'>
      <group restype='popup-menu'>
       <trans-unit id='16' resname='7134' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Word Count... </source>
       <trans-unit id='17' resname='7534' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Near Match Lookup... </source>
       <trans-unit id='18' resname='7136' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Terminology Manager...\tAlt+F1</source>
       <trans-unit id='19' resname='0' menu-option='0' translate='no'>
       <trans-unit id='20' resname='0' menu-option='145'>
       <group restype='popup-menu'>
        <trans-unit id='21' resname='7137' menu-option='0'>
        <trans-unit id='22' resname='7138' menu-option='128'>
      <trans-unit id='23' resname='0' menu-option='144'>
      <group restype='popup-menu'>
       <trans-unit id='24' resname='7160' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Help Topics</source>
       <trans-unit id='25' resname='7161' menu-option='0'>
        <source>&Tip of the Day... </source>
       <trans-unit id='26' resname='0' menu-option='0' translate='no'>
       <trans-unit id='27' resname='7162' menu-option='128'>


    1.2. Dialog Resources

    1. All dialogs are grouped together in a <group restype='dialog'> group.
    2. Each dialog is placed in a separate <group> as a child of the <group restype='dialog'> group.
      1. The name of the parent control becomes the id attribute value of the container group.
      2. The count of controls of the parent control becomes the numchildren attribute value of the container group.
      3. The font of the parent control becomes the font attribute value of the container group.
      4. The help_id of the parent control becomes the help-id attribute value of the container group.
      5. The version of the parent control becomes the version attribute value of the container group.
      6. The menu of the parent control becomes the menu attribute value of the container group.
    3. Each control is placed in a separate <trans-unit>
      1. The id attribute value of the control <trans-unit> is serially assigned, the same as is done for menu-items.
      2. The name of the control becomes the resname attribute value of the control's <trans-unit>.
      3. The class of the control becomes the restype attribute value of the control's <trans-unit>.
      4. The style of the control becomes the style attribute value of the control's <trans-unit>.
      5. The coord of the control becomes the coord attribute value of the control's <trans-unit>.
      6. Edit controls are given a translate attribute value of 'no'.
      7. SysTabControl32 is a tab control class; its translate attribute value is 'no'.
    <group restype='dialog'>
     <group id='resname of dialog' numchildren='count of controls' font='font of dialog'>
      <trans-unit id='absolute retreival order' resname='control name' restype='class of control'
                  style='window style value' coord='window coord'>


    Example: Novell Red Dialog 2200


    Example: Novell Red Dialog 2200 Resources

    # Name Class Style Font Dimension Text
    433 2200 -1 #x90C800C0 Helv,8,0,0 0,0,332,230 Control Properties
    434 65535 button #x50000007   8,4,265,125 Settings
    435 65535 static #x50020000   18,57,40,10 &Translation:
    436 2202 edit #x50A10004   64,55,199,35  
    437 65535 button #x50020000   18,96,26,10 &X Pos.:
    438 2203 edit #x50810000   64,94,25,13  
    439 65535 button #x50020000   106,96,28,10 &Y Pos.:
    440 2204 edit #x50810000   147,94,25,13  
    441 65535 static #x50020000   18,113,21,10 &Width:
    442 2205 edit #x50810000   64,111,25,13  
    443 65535 button #x50020000   106,113,24,10 H&eight:
    444 2206 edit #x50810000   147,111,25,13  
    445 2214 button #x50030000   205,94,58,14 &Copy English
    446 2207 button #x50030003   13,143,59,10 Review si&zing
    447 2213 button #x50010003   13,154,67,10 &Do not auto-size
    448 2208 button #x50010003   90,143,74,10 Re&view translation
    449 2209 button #x50010003   90,154,66,10 Do not tr&anslate
    450 4701 button #x58000003   244,143,69,10 Vendor chan&ged
    451 4766 SysTabControl32 #x50030000   17,171,297,48 Tab1
    452 4749 edit #x50010844   18,185,295,33  
    453 2210 edit #x50010044   18,185,295,33  
    454 2215 edit #x50810044   18,185,295,33  
    455 1 button #x50030001   281,8,43,14 OK
    456 2 button #x50010000   281,25,43,14 Cancel
    457 9 button #x50030000   281,47,43,14 &Help
    458 2211 button #x50030000   281,69,43,14 &Next
    459 2212 button #x50010000   281,86,43,14 &Previous
    460 65535 button #x50020000   18,18,28,10 Engli&sh:
    461 2201 edit #x50A10804   64,16,199,35  
    462 65535 button #x50000007   8,133,317,92 Notes
    463 4702 button #x50010003   167,154,73,10 Mnemonic conflict
    464 4703 button #x50010003   167,143,55,10 Fuzzy match
    465 4704 button #x50010003   244,154,26,10 QA

    Example: Novell Red Dialog 2200 in XLIFF

    <group restype='dialog'>
     <group id=2200 numchildren='32' font='Helv,8,0,0'>
      <trans-unit id='433' resname='2200' restype='dialog' style='#x90C800C0' coord='0,0,332,230'>
       <source>Control Properties</source>
      <trans-unit id='434' resname='65535 ' restype='button ' style='#x50000007' coord='8,4,265,125'>
      <trans-unit id='435' resname='65535' restype='static ' style='#x50020000' coord='18,57,40,10'>
      <trans-unit id='436' resname='2202' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50A10004' coord='64,55,199,35'>
      <trans-unit id='437' resname='65535' restype='button' style='#x50020000' coord='18,96,26,10'>
      <source>&X Pos.:</source>
      <trans-unit id='438' resname='2203' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50810000' coord='64,94,25,13'>
      <trans-unit id='439' resname='65535' restype='button' style='#x50020000' coord='106,96,28,10'>
       <source>&Y Pos.:</source>
      <trans-unit id='440' resname='2204' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50810000' coord='147,94,25,13'>
      <trans-unit id='441' resname='65535' restype='static' style='#x50020000' coord='18,113,21,10'>
      <trans-unit id='442' resname='2205' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50810000' coord='64,111,25,13'>
      <trans-unit id='443' resname='65535' restype='button' style='#x50020000' coord='106,113,24,10'>
      <trans-unit id='444' resname='2206' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50810000' coord='147,111,25,13'>
      <trans-unit id='445' resname='2214' restype='button' style='#x50030000' coord='205,94,58,14'>
       <source>&Copy English</source>
      <trans-unit id='446' resname='2207' restype='button' style='#x50030003' coord='13,143,59,10'>
       <source>Review si&zing</source>
      <trans-unit id='447' resname='2213 ' restype='button' style='#x50010003' coord='13,154,67,10'>
       <source>&Do not auto-size</source>
      <trans-unit id='448' resname='2208 ' restype='button' style='#x50010003' coord='90,143,74,10'>
       <source>Re&view translation</source>
      <trans-unit id='449' resname='2209 ' restype='button' style='#x50010003' coord='90,154,66,10'>
       <source>Do not tr&anslate</source>
      <trans-unit id='450' resname='4701 ' restype='button' style='#x58000003' coord='244,143,69,10'>
       <source>Vendor chan&ged</source>
      <trans-unit id='451' resname='4766 ' restype='SysTabControl32' style='#x50030000' coord='17,171,297,48'>
      <trans-unit id='452' resname='4749 ' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50010844' coord='18,185,295,33'>
      <trans-unit id='453' resname='2210 ' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50010044' coord='18,185,295,33'>
      <trans-unit id='454' resname='2215 ' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50810044' coord='18,185,295,33'>
      <trans-unit id='455' resname='1 ' restype='button' style='#x50030001' coord='281,8,43,14'>
      <trans-unit id='456' resname='2 ' restype='button' style='#x50010000' coord='281,25,43,14'>
      <trans-unit id='457' resname='9 ' restype='button' style='#x50030000' coord='281,47,43,14'>
      <trans-unit id='458' resname='2211 ' restype='button' style='#x50030000' coord='281,69,43,14'>
      <trans-unit id='459' resname='2212 ' restype='button' style='#x50010000' coord='281,86,43,14'>
      <trans-unit id='460' resname='65535 ' restype='button' style='#x50020000' coord='18,18,28,10'>
      <trans-unit id='461' resname='2201 ' restype='edit' translate='no' style='#x50A10804' coord='64,16,199,35'>
      <trans-unit id='462' resname='65535 ' restype='button' style='#x50000007' coord='8,133,317,92'>
      <trans-unit id='463' resname='4702 ' restype='button' style='#x50010003' coord='167,154,73,10'>
       <source>Mnemonic conflict</source>
      <trans-unit id='464' resname='4703 ' restype='button' style='#x50010003' coord='167,143,55,10'>
       <source>Fuzzy match</source>
      <trans-unit id='465' resname='4704 ' restype='button' style='#x50010003' coord='244,154,26,10'>

    1.3. String Resources

    1. String table strings are grouped into a group with the restype attribute value of 'string'.
    2. A trans-unit is created for each string.
    3. The trans-unit id attribute value is serially assigned according the retreival order to maintain consistency and uniqueness of the trans-unit id attribute value.
    4. The name id of the string becomes the resname attribute value of the trans-unit.
    5. The translate attribute value of null strings is 'no'.
    6. The string becomes the content of the child source element.


    <group restype='string'>
     <group id='resname of dialog' numchildren='count of controls' font='font of dialog'>
      <trans-unit id='absolute retreival order' resname='control name' restype='class of control'
                  style='window style value' coord='window coord'>

    Example: Novell Red string table (partial)


    Example: Novell Red string table (partial) Resources

    744 0  
    745 1 Tab %d
    746 2 Edit
    747 3 Edit Resource Project
    748 4 Red did not exit normally during its last use. Click OK to cleanup temporary files.
    749 5 Copyright © 1994-2000 Novell, Inc.\nAll rights reserved.\nPortions Copyright © Microsoft, Corp.
    750 6 IDOK
    751 7 IDCANCEL
    752 8 Out of memory.
    753 9 Cannot create file %s. The file could be in use by another application, the device may be full or file access was denied.
    754 10 Save changes to resource file %s?
    755 11 Save changes to project file %s?
    756 12 %s is an invalid project file or a version that is unsupported.
    757 13 Cannot open project file %s.
    758 14 A symbol must start with an alphabetic character or '_', and the ID must be an integer.
    759 15 You must make a selection before this operation.
    760 16 %s is not a valid custom control DLL.
    761 17 Defines
    762 18 Include
    763 19 redproj.ini
    764 20 %s value must be greater than zero.
    765 21 Could not create control of class %s with the specified styles.
    766 22 Cannot open resource file %s.
    767 23 Discard changes?
    768 24 %s value must be a positive number.
    769 25 Memory error! Save files and exit as soon as possible.
    770 26 %s cannot be loaded.
    771 27 Discard changes to this dialog?
    772 28 A non-zero point size must be entered when specifying a font.
    773 29 The maximum spacing must be greater than or equal to the minimum spacing.


    Example: Novell Red Stringtable (partial) in XLIFF

    <group restype='dialog'>
     <trans-unit id='744' resname='0' translate='no'>
     <trans-unit id='745' resname='1'>
      <source>Tab %d</source>
     <trans-unit id='746' resname='2'>
     <trans-unit id='747' resname='3'>
      <source>Edit Resource Project</source>
     <trans-unit id='748' resname='4'>
      <source>Red did not exit normally during its last use. Click OK to cleanup temporary files. </source>
     <trans-unit id='749' resname='5'>
      <source>Copyright © 1994-2000 Novell, Inc.\nAll rights reserved.\nPortions Copyright © Microsoft, Corp. </source>
     <trans-unit id='750' resname='6'>
     <trans-unit id='751' resname='7'>
     <trans-unit id='752' resname='8'>
      <source>Out of memory. </source>
     <trans-unit id='753' resname='9'>
      <source>Cannot create file %s. The file could be in use by another application, the device may be full or file access was denied. </source>
     <trans-unit id='754' resname='10'>
      <source>Save changes to resource file %s? </source>
     <trans-unit id='755' resname='11'>
      <source>Save changes to project file %s? </source>
     <trans-unit id='756' resname='12'>
      <source>%s is an invalid project file or a version that is unsupported. </source>
     <trans-unit id='757' resname='13'>
      <source>Cannot open project file %s. </source>
     <trans-unit id='758' resname='14'>
      <source>A symbol must start with an alphabetic character or '_', and the ID must be an integer. </source>
     <trans-unit id='759' resname='15'>
      <source>You must make a selection before this operation.</source>
     <trans-unit id='760' resname='16'>
      <source>%s is not a valid custom control DLL. </source>
     <trans-unit id='761' resname='17'>
     <trans-unit id='762' resname='18'>
     <trans-unit id='763' resname='19'>
     <trans-unit id='764' resname='20'>
      <source>%s value must be greater than zero. </source>
     <trans-unit id='765' resname='21'>
      <source>Could not create control of class %s with the specified styles. </source>
     <trans-unit id='766' resname='22'>
      <source>Cannot open resource file %s. </source>
     <trans-unit id='767' resname='23'>
      <source>Discard changes? </source>
     <trans-unit id='768' resname='24'>
      <source>%s value must be a positive number. </source>
     <trans-unit id='769' resname='25'>
      <source>Memory error! Save files and exit as soon as possible. </source>
     <trans-unit id='770' resname='26'>
      <source>%s cannot be loaded. </source>
     <trans-unit id='771' resname='27'>
      <source>Discard changes to this dialog? </source>
     <trans-unit id='772' resname='28'>
      <source>A non-zero point size must be entered when specifying a font. </source>
     <trans-unit id='773' resname='29'>
      <source>The maximum spacing must be greater than or equal to the minimum spacing. </source>
     <trans-unit id='774' resname='30'>
      <source>Custom control class %s is already loaded. </source>


    1.4. Accelerator Resources



    1.5. Message Resources

    {see String Resources}