This is something for whcih we are aware of the need, and have started
designing a solution for, but don't yet have a solution in place.
Currently the only thing that we have is the Kavi repository, which will
create a new query-based URL for each minor revision. Longer term we
want to build a doc mgmt system that will assign a persistent URL that
can be used to identify a specification throughout its lifecycle.
If you have a definite need for such a persistent URL in the short term
then we could create a redirect that will point to the document but
which will need to be updated manually every time there is a new version
of the doc.
Tony Jewtushenko wrote:
> Hi Karl:
> Our XLIFF 1.1 spec is complimented with an XML schema document which is
> posted to our documents area in KAVI. A concern has been raised that
> adhering to the OASIS document naming convention will propagate multiple
> physical versions of schema documents, which we believe will cause
> problems for our implementors who want to point to the most up to date
> 1.1 XSD at all times. During the crafting of XLIFF 1.1, we have been
> posting the most up to date revision of the XSD to the same URI, so all
> XLIFF 1.1 documents always point to the most up to date version of the
> XSD. We understand one disadvantage of this implementation is that it
> could lead to potential problems with backwards compatibility, however,
> we have only been making minor syntax tweaks that should have no impact
> upon functionality.
> My question is - other TC's with XSD deliverables must have solved this
> problem, or at least encountered it. Do you know of a "best practice"
> for either using namespace mechanisms or other means that work with the
> OASIS document naming convention that our implementors can access the
> latest version of the XLIFF 1.1 specification? We need to solve this
> before we submit our 1.1 work for OASIS standards review.
> Any help or advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tony
Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
office +1 978.667.5115 x206 mobile +1 978.761.1648
Tony Jewtushenko
Principal Product Manager direct tel: +353.1.8039080
ST Tools Technology Team
Oracle Corporation, Ireland