OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Amended: XLIFF TC Teleconference Minutes 6-May-2003

  • 1.  Amended: XLIFF TC Teleconference Minutes 6-May-2003

    Posted 05-07-2003 07:26
     MHonArc v2.4.5 -->

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    Subject: Amended: XLIFF TC Teleconference Minutes 6-May-2003

    Apologies for the previous minutes; I didn't actually intend to send them to the list, merely save them until today when I could check them first. The attendance list was originally drawn from Kavi. However, it would appear that this may not have been quite up to date when I took the list.


    Please find the amended minutes below.




    XLIFF TC Teleconference Meeting - 6th May 2003


    1. Attendance

    Bryan Schnabel, Christian Lieske, David Pooley, Doug Domeny, Gerard Cattin des Bois, John Reid, Mark Levins, Mat Lovatt, Milan Karasek, Tony Jewtushenko, Yves Savourel


    2. Last Weeks Minutes

    These were accepted without opposition.


    3. XLIFF V1.1 Specification


    a) Discussion of inline elements

    Yves outlined his opinion on how the id and rid attributes should be used. Some discussion followed and Yves/Doug agreed to clarify the wording for the specification. <bpt>/<ept> and <bx>/<ex> will be linked by having the same id attribute.


    b) ctype attribute

    John Reid started a discussion on the ctype attribute of inline tags, highlighting changes that have been made since V1.0. It was decided that this can be deferred until post V1.1 when inline tags are revisited.


    All changes to the specification are to be given to Yves by the end of Wednesday. Yves will then update and re-distribute the specification on Thursday. Tony will set up a ballot for each voting member to accept or reject the XLIFF V1.1 specification.


    4. Attendance records

    A number of members have failed to meet the requirements for maintaining their OASIS TC membership. Tony asked for opinion on what should be done. It was decided to leave this to Tony as to what should be done with those members with a view to possibly applying the OASIS TC membership rules. Long-standing members who have contributed to the specification and have since let their attendance slip will be given a gentle reminder ...


    5. AOB

    a) "Endgame" issues

    Tony proposed that each of the contributors submit a voluntary IPR statement to relinquish IPR on any aspects of the specification on which they have worked. Tony will send around a piece of text as an example of what could be used. This will not hold up V1.1. After much discussion, it was decided to take any more issues it offline.


    6. Meeting adjourned


    David Pooley

    Software Architect
    SDL International

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