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HTML profile comment - Entity References - Character Entities

  • 1.  HTML profile comment - Entity References - Character Entities

    Posted 02-20-2004 23:38
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: HTML profile comment - Entity References - Character Entities

    An alternate solution of putting a character entity reference in <ph>,
    although mentioned as "not preffered", shouldn't be offered. This will
    create incompatible XLIFF documents and TM matching suffers from it,
    which defeats the purpose of the profile. Furthermore, translators
    will have a hard time to read <source> or <target> contents <ph> tags
    appear in the middle of a word in place of a real character.
    Since all character entity references are predefined in HTML, they
    should be resolved as the document is parsed.
    Shigemichi Yazawa

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