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Re: [xliff] [Fwd: OASIS-LISA Global e-Business Survey Results]

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] [Fwd: OASIS-LISA Global e-Business Survey Results]

    Posted 11-11-2002 09:37
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] [Fwd: OASIS-LISA Global e-Business Survey Results]

    Do we know how many people responded to the survey in the first instance? 

    S  t  e  p  h  e  n     H  o  l  m  e  s
    Localisation Development Manager
    Voice:  +353 (1) 241 5732
    Fax:     +353 (1) 241 5749
    Novell, Inc., THE leading provider of Net business solutions

    >>> Tony Jewtushenko

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