OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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[xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Details & Agenda (30 Apr)

  • 1.  [xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Details & Agenda (30 Apr)

    Posted 04-29-2002 14:16
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: [xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Details & Agenda (30 Apr)

    Dial-in Instructions:
    When: Tues, Apr 30 2002, 04:00PM Europe/London/Dublin  / 08:00 AM PST
    UK National Dial-In:      0870 550 3090
    International Dial-In:   +44 118 924 0290
    Meeting ID: 30543


    1/ Roll Call (Peter Reynolds)
    2/ Review of minutes of previous meeting & motion to accept or revise (Peter Reynolds)
    3/ Spec 1.1 progress  (Tony)

    Discussion of work submitted to date.
    Propose a separate teleconference to review Eric's Friedman's proposal before the Face to Face.
    2 days left to submit proposals...close of business (PST) May 1 is the deadline for submissions.
    4/ Face to face meeting agenda & plans (Tony/ Peter / Jonathan)
    Confirmation of intended attendance.
    Discussion of teleconference procedures / guidelines.
    Review of proposed agenda,  goals and schedule.
    Group activities.
    5/ OASIS Intellectual Property Issue
    IBM has submitted a patent claim on work submitted to ebXML. This action affects our TC since we have submitted work,  thus we must now post an explicit Intellectual Property Rights statement explicitly listing origin of all derived or submitted work (XLIFF 1.0).    We'll discuss known specific IPR issues relating to contributions to XLIFF 1.0.
    6/ OASIS Web page suggestions
    OASIS is reviewing their web site design, and they are soliciting feedback from all TC's as to what -if anything - should be modified.  Comments and suggestions are welcome.
    7/ Any new business (Tony)
    8/ Confirm next meeting date/time (Tony)

    Tony Jewtushenko    mailto:tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com
    Sr. Tools Program Manager   direct tel: +353.1.8039080
    Product Management - Tools Technology Team
    Oracle Corporation, Ireland

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