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Mea Culpa Re: [xliff] Meeting this afternoon?

  • 1.  Mea Culpa Re: [xliff] Meeting this afternoon?

    Posted 06-15-2004 15:28
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    Subject: Mea Culpa Re: [xliff] Meeting this afternoon?

    Sorry,  all,  for wasting time and creating confusion.  I goofed and didn't add this meeting in my calendar,  so sorry about the late notice.

    Thus,  today's meeting has been rescheduled to 6 July   I hope you can all make it and I will ensure it runs smoothly.

    Also,  please note the new dial-up instructions which I've posted to the OASIS XLIFF calendar:   http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/events.php?day=1089108000

    Once again,  apologies.


    Reynolds, Peter wrote:
    I tried contacting Tony but got his voicemail. My understanding was that he thought the meeting should be next week as I also though it was. I can see that June 1st was a Tuesday so this is the third Tuesday. I think we should meet next week.
    Apologies for any convenience caused.

    From: David Pooley [mailto:dpooley@sdl.com]
    Sent: 15 June 2004 15:21
    To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [xliff] Meeting this afternoon?

    I wasn't logged in to KAVI and that's why the calendar was blank. It now shows the meeting for this afternoon. Do I take it that it's being postponed until next week?