Thanks, Yves, this sounds straightforward, unless someone is unhappy with the proposed, I can make the change in the spec. I guess that the reason for mentioning srcDir and trgDir is that dir values are inherited from them. Maybe worth a note? if it is removed from the normative language.. @Bryan, as our excellent tracker gardener would you please add this to the tracker, it can either receieve its own comment number or be subsumed under 133 Thanks dF Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 mailto: On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Yves Savourel < > wrote: Hi all, One more issue in the specification (editorial): In the section about Segmentation Modification we have the following PR: "If the directionality attributes, srcDir, trgDir, or dir differ the Modifier MUST insert Unicode bidirectional control characters [UAX #9] to secure proper directionality in the <segment> and its children." The srcDir and trgDir are not used in <segment>, <source>, <target>, or <ignorable>, therefore they are not relevant here. Only dir (which can be used in <source> and <target>) is relevant. I suggest the following new text (with additional changes to be consistent with the other PRs): "If the directionality attributes dir differ Modifiers MUST insert Unicode bidirectional control characters [UAX #9] to ensure proper directionality in the <source> or <target> elements." Cheers, -yves --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: