OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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[Fwd: Re: AW: [xliff] XLIFF inline elements with spacial characteristics]

  • 1.  [Fwd: Re: AW: [xliff] XLIFF inline elements with spacial characteristics]

    Posted 03-07-2006 08:44
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: [Fwd: Re: AW: [xliff] XLIFF inline elements with spacial characteristics]

    email - azydron@xml-intl.com
    smail - c/o Mr. A.Zydron
    	PO Box 2167
             Gerrards Cross
             Bucks SL9 8XF
    	United Kingdom
    Mobile +(44) 7966 477 181
    FAX    +(44) 1753 480 465
    www - http://www.xml-intl.com
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    --- Begin Message ---
    Hi Florian,
    Many thanks for your email. The mechanism you suggest would be ideal as 
    it is proscriptive and therefore easy to interpret. It would be ideal 
    for GMX-V, where inline elements are treated as being totally 
    transparent for word and character count purposes. It would be really 
    good to get this into XLIFF 1.2. I would certainly like to see it 
    incorporated as we could then refer to this mechanism directly from GMX-V.
    Best Regards,
    Florian Sachse wrote:
    > Hi Andrzej,
    > we are currently working on the question how tagging can help to simplfy the
    > handling of text processing in our localization tool and we want to solve
    > similar problems like,
    > Access keys: F&ile where the '&' breaks the word file and a lot of functions
    > like spellchecker or terminology look up have to handle this issue.
    > Or we have file formats like delphi where null character are used as
    > separators:
    > File0This is the tooltip help for file.
    > For our internal representation we want to use something like the x-element
    > extended by an additional attribute (currently) called rawreplace.
    > The two examples now would look like this:
    > F<x id='1' ctype='x-akey' rawreplace=''>ile and
    > File<x id='1' ctype='x-ch-null' rawreplace=' '>This is the tooltip help for
    > file.
    > By just evaluating rawreplace a tool can create a string "File" or "File
    > This is the tooltip help for file." and can use this string for further
    > processing like wordcount etc. This trick also allows a correct
    > transformation back to the original format even if the tagged string has
    > been edited. and without knowing the original text. Taking your example, the
    > question is what should happen if <br> has a preceding space. Should a space
    > still be added to the XLIFF representation or not?
    > I hesitate to really open a discussion about a solution within the XLIFF
    > spec right now, as we want to finalize XLIFF 1.2 But may be you could use an
    > extension like x-rawreplace for this purpose.
    > Best regards from Bonn,
    > Florian
    > -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
    > Von: Andrzej Zydron [mailto:azydron@xml-intl.com]
    > Gesendet: Montag, 6. M�rz 2006 11:56
    > An: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
    > Betreff: [xliff] XLIFF inline elements with spacial characteristics
    > Hi Everyone,
    > GMX-V (Global Information Management Metrics eXchange - Volume) is a
    > draft LISA OSCAR standard for word and character counts
    > (http://www.lisa.org/standards/gmx/). This should bring some sanity to
    > word and character counts. GMX-V is predicated on a canonical form that
    > is based on XLIFF.
    > We are almost at the end of the internal GMX-V review before it goes out
    > for final public comment. We have had a final discussion concerning
    > inline elements that imply some form of white space, but may not be
    > necessarily preceded of followed by any spaces e.g.
    > <p>This is a<br/>that is not preceded nor followed by spaces.</p>
    > This instance would be rendered in XLIFF as:
    > <source>This is a<x ctype="x-html-br"/>that is not preceded nor followed
    > by spaces.</source>
    > In the proposed GMX-V standard it is recommended that the program that
    > is creating the XLIFF file precedes the any inline elements with spacial
    > characteristics with a space if there is not one present:
    > <source>This is a <x ctype="x-html-br"/>that is not preceded nor
    > followed by spaces.</source>
    > This is specific to XLIFF files created for GMX-V purposes.
    > I was wondering if it would be desirable/beneficial to consider this
    > requirement within the XLIFF specification itself. Certainly having a
    > space would assist any segmentation algorithms etc. The onus would be on
    > the merge program to remove any such spaces that were inserted. It is
    > only the extraction and merge processes that can do this as they have
    > the required intimate knowledge of the source environment.
    > Please find attached the latest version of the GMX-V draft specification
    > (version 0.7).
    > Best Regards,
    > AZ
    > --
    > email - azydron@xml-intl.com
    > smail - c/o Mr. A.Zydron
    > 	PO Box 2167
    >          Gerrards Cross
    >          Bucks SL9 8XF
    > 	United Kingdom
    > Mobile +(44) 7966 477 181
    > FAX    +(44) 1753 480 465
    > www - http://www.xml-intl.com
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    email - azydron@xml-intl.com
    smail - c/o Mr. A.Zydron
    	PO Box 2167
             Gerrards Cross
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    	United Kingdom
    Mobile +(44) 7966 477 181
    FAX    +(44) 1753 480 465
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