OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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  • 1.  ID value type

    Posted 09-09-2003 20:21
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: ID value type

    Working on some XLIFF example I ran into a small problem in our schema:
    I noticed that the value type of our different id are sometimes 'string'
    sometime 'NMTOKEN'.
    So, for example, because of the '\' the following id value is not valid:
    <bin-unit id='work\image1.jpg' mime-type='image/jpeg'>
    This wouldn't be too bad if we could escape the backslash, but even then,
    it's not easy. The only ASCII non-letter and non-digits allowed are: '.',
    '_', ':', and '-'. We can't use '$', '&', '%', '/', etc. Which makes
    potentially a lot of characters to escape.
    The id value type for the id attributes in <x>, <bpt>, etc. are 'string',
    which allow pretty much anything. So I have two questions?
    1- Shouldn't all id attribute have the same value type?
    2- If yes, should this type be string or NMTOKEN or something else.
    Thanks for any comments, etc.

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