OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Minutes from XLIFF TC Public Info Sessions on June 7 2016

  • 1.  Minutes from XLIFF TC Public Info Sessions on June 7 2016

    Posted 07-29-2016 18:18
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    Hi all, [this also went as BCC to Non-OASIS attendees of the  info   sessions .. Non-OASIS attendees will not be able to reply to the list, you can send your reaction through the  XLIFF  TC commenting facility https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/index.php?wg_abbrev=xliff   or FEISGILTT 2016 < feisgiltt2016@easychair.org > (on CC)] as promised please find copy pasted and attached as docx the meeting minutes of Dublin OASIS  XLIFF  TC  Info   Sessions I am also exposing a pdf version of the same on the FEISGILTT webpage http://locworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/FEISGILTT-2016-XLIFF-Public-Info-sessions.pdf I invite every attendee to post more detail or amendments to the draft minutes I posted. The plan is to approve these minutes as minutes of record in the next  XLIFF  TC conference call on 2nd August 2016. Public details of the call to appear here by next Monday: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/calendar.php Finally, these are just the  XLIFF TC  related  info   sessions , the  XLIFF  OMOS TC list is addressed only FYI (on CC). Earlier this month I sent the OMOS related minutes, CCing the XLIFF TC. The OMOS minutes were approved in the meantime. Cheers and thanks for your attention dF Dr. David Filip =========== OASIS XLIFF OMOS TC Chair OASIS XLIFF TC Secretary, Editor, Liaison Officer Spokes Research Fellow ADAPT Centre KDEG, Trinity College Dublin Mobile: +420-777-218-122 FEISGILTT 2016 XLIFF Public Info sessions Draft meeting minutes                Tue June 7 2016 Participants: [participation in particular sessions was not tracked, this list is based on FEISGILTT 2016 participation] XLIFF TC members Chair N/A Secretary David Filip (ADAPT Centre) Members Ryan King (Microsoft), Kevin O’Donnell (Microsoft), Soroush Saadatfar (ADAPT Centre @ LRC @ University of Limerick), Felix Sasaki (Individual), Phil Ritchie (Vistatec), Public Victor Alves (Individual), Jan Bare š (Moravia), George Bina (Syncro Soft), Konrad Chmielewski (XTRF), David Clarke (Welocalize), Mariza Flores (Thousand Words Translations), Andreas Galambos (Transmission Übersetzungne ), Andrew Gibbons (Welocalize), J án Husarcík (Moravia), Lukasz Kaleta (XTRF), Gary Lefman (Cisco), David Lewis (ADAPT Centre), Ian Morris (Individual), Dimitris Orfanoudakis (TAUS), Achraf Oumghar (Lionbridge), Felix Sasaki (DFKI), Uta Seewald-Heeg (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences), Richard Sikes (Content Rules), Vinod Sudharshan (TAUS), Chase Tingley (Spartan Software), Angelika Zerfaß (zaac).   XLIFF TC Public Info Sessions started at 10.15am WEST on June 7 th 2016. XLIFF 2.1 Work in Progress: ITS Module Chair: dF Panelists: XLIFF TC membership   This was introduced by a presentation by Soroush and dF on what it means for ITS to become a module rather than an extension as of XLIFF 2.1 http://lanyrd.com/2016/feisgiltt/sfbtzf/ During the info session, the TC members informed the public on what is the current state of the ITS nodule development. The audience and TC members expressed interest mainly in the Text Analytics and Provenance metadata categories XLIFF 2.1 Work in Progress: Module Fixes Chair: dF Panelists: XLIFF TC membership dF inquired with Phil about the state of the Change Tracking module fix that is being led by Phil. Phil said there was unfortunately no progress on that so far. dF said that the module fix should be done by the end of August, should it be included in the 2.1 release as the ITS and Advanced Validation features are near completion and the 1 st public review shouldn’t start later than in August 2016. Other module fixes should include explicitly allowing the metadata module on most of the other modules. This is now explicitly allowed only on the Translation candidates module.   XLIFF 2.1 Work in Progress: Advanced Validation Chair: dF Reporters: Soroush Saadatfar (ADAPT Centre @ LRC @ University of Limerick) & Felix Sasaki (DFKI)   Soroush and Felix demonstrated some of the Advanced XLIFF Constraints that are not expressible using XML Schema. dF explained that the Advanced Constraints had be validated by custom code in the available XLIFF 2.0 validators such as OKAPI Lynx http://okapi-lynx.appspot.com/validation , Xmarker http://xmarker.com/node/13 , or the Microsoft XLIFF Object Model https://github.com/Microsoft/XLIFF2-Object-Model XLIFF TC Public Info Sessions broke for lunch at 12:30 WEST. XLIFF TC Public Info Sessions resumed at 16:00 WEST [after lunch and XLIFF OMOS Info Sessions].   XLIFF 2.2 Requirements Gathering Chair: dF Reporter: Chase Tingley Panel: All Plurals? Chase reported on a plurals support discussion that took place on the OKAPI developer forum. dF reminded Chase and others that there was a discussion about plurals support in the early stages of XLIFF 2.0 development. David Walters from IBM said then that we don’t need to support the old limited notion of plurals and that now conditional plural structures are part of CLDR data. dF also reported on a ULI discussion that basically agreed that the proper I18n approach is to have different strings based on the CLDR locale specifics. Chase and dF discussed how this could be handled during the XLIFF roundtrip either on group or subunit level. The advantage of the subunit handling would be that the modifiers would be able to create the conditional strings w/o violating XLIFF structural Constraints. The subunit conditional segments should be protected from re-segmenting so that agents not understanding the plural handling module couldn’t break the feature. In either case new module metadata would need to be developed to describe the conditional multiplicity groups and placed either on the unit or the group extension point. dF suggested that this should be proposed as a 2.2 feature by roughly end of October 2016 and that chase better joined the XLIFF TC so suggest that. Otherwise, this would need to be suggested over the commenting facility and Chase couldn’t drive the feature. Segmentation information? Including segmentation rule information in XLIFF 2.2 was also discussed. That was suggested by ULI representatives in Berlin 2015. However, no one proposed the feature to XLIFF TC formally. dF suggested that this could be done via inclusion of SRX as module data. Chase argued that not all rule were SRX expressible. A short discussion revealed that what Chase meant that statistically driven methods of segmentation cannot be described with rules. dF suggested that rule based segmentation should be always encoded as SRX, whereas there should be an option record just provenance of the tool if the method wasn’t rules driven. dF also informed that the ULI stakeholders would be in favor of using the BCP47 t-extension to roundtrip this data via XLIFF. Nevertheless, dF recalled a discussion with Mark Davis (video presence) during ITS 2.0 Requirements gathering in Dublin 2012 http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2012_davis_data/ , where Davis explicitly said that the t and u extensions where not suitable for structured XML content that should store this metadata using its own markup. dF said that one of the main issues of the extension based segmentation information that it was not stateful and it wouldn’t be possible to tell if the method was applied, had to be applied, if it was preserved etc. This could also be formally submitted to XLIFF TC as a feature for XLIFF 2.2 consideration. Register Information? J án Husracík from Moravia suggested that language register variants (polite, informal, archaic, intimate etc.) should be also treated in XLIFF at some point. dF explained that this would need to be first codified for various locales in the CLDR. XLIFF as a transfer format would overstep its scope if it tried to codify locale specifics in this area in a material way. dF reported on a similar discussion that took place during the W3C ITS 2.0 Requirements Gathering. The ITS 2.0 stakeholders agreed back in 2012 that this would need to be addressed at the CLDR level first. XLIFF TC Public Info Sessions were adjourned on 7 th June 2016 at 5:15pm WEST Attachment: FEISGILTT 2016 XLIFF Public Info sessions.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
