As to the selection of a target for a normative reference, it matters
a lot whether the "normativeness" relates to specific content
in a target document, or just "whatever that document might say
at the time of your reading it..." Creating the citation should
make it clear what's intended.
Please see the discussion here:
Robin Cover
OASIS, Chief Information Architect
On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Rodolfo M. Raya wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm completing the the review of the specification documents now,
> preparing the final versions for public review.
> The references section in XLIFF specification has an entry for "TMX
> 1.4a". I would like to make it generic and point to "TMX" page at LISA.
> Current link in the specification document points to
> . This is a specific version
> and is actually version "1.4b", not "1.4a" as mentioned in the
> specification document.
> I think that the correct link to include in our specification is
> . This is the home page of TMX
> standard. If you visit it, you will notice that TMX 2.0 has been
> released for public review.
> If you agree, I'll make the changes. I hope to finish the review today
> (this task took me much longer than expected), so if you you have any
> comment or objection please send it before I submit the new documents,
> tomorrow at the latest.
> Best regards,
> Rodolfo M. Raya
> Heartsome
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