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Fwd: ISO TC 37 meeting clarification + ETSI ISG LIS <-> OASIS XLIFF +OAXAL liaison

  • 1.  Fwd: ISO TC 37 meeting clarification + ETSI ISG LIS <-> OASIS XLIFF +OAXAL liaison

    Posted 07-05-2011 15:56
    For record: Clarification pertaining to ISO TC 37 meeting in Seoul. Forwarded e-mail sent by Patrick Guillemin Rgds dF Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 mobile:  +353-86-049-34-68 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Patrick Guillemin < Patrick.Guillemin@etsi.org > Date: Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 22:49 Subject: ISO TC 37 meeting clarification + ETSI ISG LIS <-> OASIS XLIFF + OAXAL liaison To: " hchapman@us.ibm.com " < hchapman@us.ibm.com >, " ysavourel@translate.com " < ysavourel@translate.com >, " christian.lieske@sap.com " < christian.lieske@sap.com >, " aswift@sdl.com " < aswift@sdl.com >, " azydron@xtm-intl.com " < azydron@xtm-intl.com >, Arle Lommel < alommel@gala-global.org >, " David.Filip@ul.ie " < David.Filip@ul.ie > Cc: " swright@kent.edu " < swright@kent.edu >, Sue Ellen Wright < sellenwright@gmail.com > Dear OASIS XLIFF people I know,   For the record, Sue Ellen Wright and myself would like to state that there has been an inadvertent misunderstanding in last ISO TC 37 meeting in Seoul.   Sue Ellen: ? I am assuming that either I misspoke somehow during a TC 37 plenary or perhaps I was misunderstood. Both options are possible, and it really isn't fruitful at this point to try to sort out where the blame lies for a bit of misinformation. The important thing at this point is to clarify what I meant to say at that moment. My understanding is that ETSI has very quickly put forward an effective proposal for providing a home where the LISA standards can undergo further development. It is also my understanding that ETSI is a very sound environment with its own solid business plan. There also appears to be a sound business plan (as reflected in the descriptions and participation agreements I have seen so far) for the proposed ETSI ISG. I am, however, not aware of, and did not intentionally mean to imply, that ETSI had actually proposed to provide financial support. If something I said implied this, I apologize and suggest that the statement please be corrected. By the same token, I am very much aware of the efforts of GALA to establish serious support for the standards movement within the localization industry. This effort on the part of GALA is supportive of the ETSI effort, but will no doubt extend to a wide range of other initiatives as well, such as ISO, UNICODE, ASTM, CEN, etc. My understanding in this regard is that GALA wishes to collaborate with other initiatives, such as OASIS/XLIFF, wherever possible in order to ensure effective and uniform standards practice throughout the industry. Best regards Sue Ellen?   When we will attend the first ETIS ISG LIS meeting, we will discuss the establishment of the liaison between ETSI ISG LIS and OASIS TC XLIFF (and TC OAXAL). I count on you to work on this.   Kind Regards Patrick     Best Regards Patrick GUILLEMIN - ETSI Secretariat Strategy & New Initiatives  Mobile +33 (0)6 87 74 52 09 Tel +33 (0)4 92 94 43 31