Dear Yves, all,
I was planning to publish the XSLT after the public review, but will make the first draft later this week.
WRT XSD validation, I am not sure if it can be embedded into the XSLT as well, but for now it will only represent the schematron rules.
On Jun 12, 2017, at 6:55 AM, Yves Savourel < > wrote:
Hi Felix,
I guess I will need two things eventually:
1) The
Schematron-corresponding XSLT(s) that generates the error reports when run against the input file
2) Examples
of the error report, so it can potentially be adapted for the tool(s) running the validation.
You just gave me #2, thank you very much.
My goal is to see if I can use the XSLTs instead of the XSD schemas to validate 2.1 files from the Okapi library.
Having to add a dependency to a XSLT2 processor it quite annoying, but I suppose it cannot be helped.
The only open-source Java implementation of XSLT2 seems to be Saxon-HE. It’s big and has itself a bunch of dependencies.
I guess I’ll have to somehow separate the XSLT validation and the core functionality. If I can’t I’ll probably drop the XSLT validation altogether.
Thanks for the examples: it’s a good start.
From: Felix Sasaki [ mailto: ]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 11:44 PM
To: Yves Savourel < >
Cc: XLIFF Main List < >
Subject: Re: [xliff] XSLT template for validation
Hi Yves, all,
Do you need for each schematron file in the schemas directory the corresponding XSLT which generates the error report? The error report is in XML, the so called svrl language, see an example here That page is in german, but the input and svrl output should help to get the idea.
Am 12.06.2017 02:23 schrieb "Yves Savourel" < >:
Hi Soroush, all,
I was wondering if there would be any chance to get the XSLT output for the 2.1 validation at some point soon.
It doesn’t need to be final, but if it’s not too time consuming to generate it would be a good time to test the current version of the Schematron rules.
Yves Savourel
Localization Solutions Architect ENLASO ®
4888 Pearl East Circle Suite 300E Boulder Colorado
t: 303.945.3759 f: 303.516.1701
An ISO 9001:2015 certified company
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