OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Re: [xliff] Fwd: Updated XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for GettextPO

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] Fwd: Updated XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for GettextPO

    Posted 07-11-2005 18:09
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] Fwd: Updated XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for GettextPO

    Hi Paul:

    Thanks for the update and the work involved in this document.

    The next TC meeting is next Tuesday,  19 July. 

    To all on the TC  - please review the revised PO profile document to prepare for discussing and if appropriate to propose either a roll-call vote at the teleconference,  or a subsequent web-based ballot.

    Paul Gampe wrote:
    Apologies for the delay in passing this forward.  I would like to proceed to 
    issue the ballot to approve this submission this week.
    Kind regards,

    Updated XLIFF 1.1 Representation Guide for Gettext PO
    Asgeir Frimannsson <asgeirf@redhat.com>
    Tue, 7 Jun 2005 22:37:05 +1000
    Paul Gampe <pgampe@redhat.com>
    Paul Gampe <pgampe@redhat.com>
    Jim Hogan <j.hogan@qut.edu.au>

    Hi Paul,
    Attached is an updated version of the PO representation guide.

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    Tony Jewtushenko

    Director- R&D - Product Innovator Ltd. (Ireland)

    P: +353.1.8875183; M: +353.87.2479057; W: www.productinnovator.com

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