Hi Dimitra,
This is very informative. Sincere thanks to you and Reinhard for
undertaking this task. The results are very interesting. Perhaps I'm slightly a
victim of interpreting the results to suit my own biases, but the themes that I
noticed to be consistent were: simplify; provide clear compliance
specifications; retain the solid core - but jettison some of the complex,
tool-specific fluff; and get the word out to tool-makers because more/consistent
support is needed.
I could almost imagine a subcommittee whose charter is: come up
with a specific recommendation to the TC on how to. . .
" simplify / provide compliance spec / jettison fluff /
inform tool-makers "
I look forward to how other interprate these results.
Thanks so much for this work, and for sharing,
Dear members of the XLIFF TC,
I conducted an XLIFF questionnaire and
I am attaching both the questionnaire
and its results. The file consists of 8 sheets corresponding to the 8 questions
of the questionnaire.
I am not good at all at presenting
statistics, so, any suggestions about how and where this can be used are
There are some good thoughts in sheets
6 and 7.
Dimitra Anastasiou, PhD
Post-doc Researcher
email: Dimitra.Anastasiou@ul.ie
SKYPE: dimitraanas
Localisation Research Centre: http://www.localisation.ie
Centre for Next Generation
Localisation: http://www.cngl.ie/