OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Re: AW: AW: [xliff] Revised XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles

  • 1.  Re: AW: AW: [xliff] Revised XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles

    Posted 05-03-2006 12:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: AW: AW: [xliff] Revised XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles

    On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 14:44 +0200, Florian Sachse wrote:
    Dear Rodolfo,
    We have decided to to add <sub> for each translatable text but exposing the complete third parameter to the translator (it a contradiction to what I propose the the escaping in general). Reason: The choice option is often used for plural forms and as we all know the plural forms may differ from language to language. For a proper translation, the translator needs (to understand Java and ) access to the complete string. An editing environment dealing with the tags is - I believe - to cumbersome to use for translators. But these are tradeoffs between security, efficiency and usability. If the majority is opting for your solution this is fine for me too.
    Best regards from Bonn,
    This is how we handle the situation in PASSOLO:
    {The disk \"<ph ...>{1}</ph>\" contains <ph...>{0,choice,<sub>0#no files|1#one file|1<{0,number,integer} files</sub>}</ph>.}

    Hi Florian,

    The approach used in PASSOLO looks good to me. I like your solution.

    The text of choice options should be available for translation. I think that filter developers should decide if they want to expose the whole third parameter or break it into smaller sub-flows. I'll add both options to the profile.

    Best regards, Rodolfo
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