OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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[xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Details & Agenda - Tuesday 3 Mar 2003

  • 1.  [xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Details & Agenda - Tuesday 3 Mar 2003

    Posted 03-03-2003 23:07
    Dial-in Instructions:
    When: Tues.,  3 Mar 2003, 04:00PM London/Dublin  / 08:00 AM PST
    UK National Dial-In:      0870 550 3090
    International Dial-In:   +44 118 924 0290
    Meeting ID: 30543
    Note:  Tony is not able to attend: Jonathan (or Peter or Yves) will 
    chair this meeting.
    1/Roll Call  (5 min)
    2/Previous (amended) Meeting Minutes - accept as is or amend:
    3/Review Open Issues in the tracking report::
    Issue 4 - Bryan to define pattern validation using XSD for the 8 basic 
    media types with user defined sub types appended.
    Issues 14 - 18:  revisions to spec required.
    Issue 21:  Need to update spec with final Attribute Values List: 
    4/Review most recent specification
    5/Schedule of remaining work (10 minutes)
       5 Mar: Release Candidate ?
       Release Candidate before the next meeting is not unlikely since Yves 
    is away this week.
    6/Any New Business
    7/Next meeting - Tues.,   11 Mar 2003, 04:00PM Europe/London/Dublin  / 
    08:00 AM PST
    Tony Jewtushenko				mailto:tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com
    Sr. Tools Program Manager			direct tel: +353.1.8039080
    Product Management - Tools Technology Team
    Oracle Corporation, Ireland
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