OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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  • 1.  GALA Lisbon roundtable on changing landscape of localization industry standards

    Posted 03-28-2011 19:30
    Hi Bryan, all, It seems everyone wants to be the lead dog in developing standard. There is a webinar associated with a GALA session tomorrow (early for the US) http://www.gala-global.org/conference/node/427#standards See also the invitation below. I €™m not sure if it €™s for GALA-members only or not. From the Web site info it seems for everyone. Cheers, -yves LinkedIn Groups €¢ Group: Localization Professional €¢ Subject: Free online participation invitation in the industry changing event: GALA Lisbon roundtable on changing landscape of localization industry standards Dear Fellow Localization Professional, The landscape is changing. With clients recognizing the need to transition from tools to standards and demanding LSP cooperation, providers recognizing the need for R&D and innovation and LISA now gone, the industry needs common ground to operate seamlessly on new, impartial, cooperative and non-partisan platform. The standards are now high on the agenda again; they are more practical than ever. To facilitate the change for the good in this area for the industry, LISA commissioned Arle Lommel, reputed localization industry standards guru, to spearhead this effort for the entire industry on the platform of GALA. AND this is a Special Invitation for LocPro membership to participate in the tomorrow's roundtable on this in Lisbon, via GoToMeeting (voice only, no video): https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/370468386 Please, register for this event for free, listen, ask your questions, make suggestions and give ideas. The industry welcomes your input in this major initiative! GALA press release (abridged due to LinkedIn length limit): ============================ Globalization and Localization Association to Fund Standards Initiative Association Commissions Standards Expert to Launch Industry Standards Plan €œWe recognize the need for clarity of standards, € said Hans Fenstermacher, GALA Board Chair. €œThere have been a lot of discussions and debates about standards over the years, and those questions have intensified in the last month with the insolvency of LISA. GALA now will work to build consensus for a broad standards initiative to benefit our members and the industry as a whole. € In Phase I of the initiative, Arle Lommel will lead a transparent effort to determine how the industry can collaborate to proceed with standards. He will seek input from localization buyers and suppliers, tool developers, and various partner localization and standards organizations. He also will explore funding options for a long-term, stable standards program that is available to all in the industry. Throughout this phase GALA will provide platforms for feedback and input to the process. The first will be a standards roundtable hosted by Serge Gladkoff, GALA Board member, to take place tomorrow, 29 March, at the GALA 2011 conference in Lisbon. The roundtable will be broadcast as a webinar worldwide and interested parties who are not at the conference will be invited to listen and comment on the proceedings. For more on attending the webinar, please click here. The culmination of Phase I will be an industry standards plan that will lay out what standards should be pursued, how the standards will be developed in an open and unbiased way, and how the ongoing standards initiative can be funded by the industry. Arle Lommel is a recognized expert in the fields of localization and translation. Widely published in the field, he focuses on both the technical and business aspects of the industry and how they relate to each other. As director of standards at LISA, he was responsible for submission of the TBX standard to ISO (now ISO 30042) and for driving standards development at LISA. €œArle understands the process of developing standards and the benefits to the industry better than anyone, € commented Fenstermacher. €œWe are thrilled to have him working with us to formalize the standard initiative and ultimately create a standards platform that is supported by the overall industry. € About GALA GALA is an international non-profit association that promotes translation services, language technology and language management solutions. The member companies worldwide include translation companies, localization service providers, globalization consultants, internationalization specialists and technology developers. GALA companies share a commitment to quality, service, and innovation in helping clients reach global markets. Posted By Serge Gladkoff View or add comments »

  • 2.  RE: [xliff] GALA Lisbon roundtable on changing landscape oflocalization industry standards

    Posted 03-28-2011 19:55
    Thanks Yves. I cannot attend the webinar. But I'd be happy to hear about what is said. If anyone from the TC attends, and wants to debrief the rest of us, I'll be happy to add that to next meeting's agenda.

    - Thanks,


  • 3.  RE: [xliff] GALA Lisbon roundtable on changing landscape of localization industry standards

    Posted 03-28-2011 20:05
    > I cannot attend the webinar. But I'd be happy to hear about > what is said. If anyone from the TC attends, and wants to > debrief the rest of us, I'll be happy to add that to next > meeting's agenda. I'm planning to attend. (and maybe even take notes) -ys