OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC

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  • 1.  Visual Signatures profile

    Posted 03-28-2008 20:31
    I went over the material of documents and meetings notes related to
    Visual Signatures. As I understand the status is as follows:
    - Uri and Konrad wrote two separate requirements documents. 
    - Uri's document is more focused in managing visual signatures, while in
    Konrad's document is more focused on the way this signatures are
    - There were some comments on both documents, but the key debate here is
      whether to have two separated profiles.
    My comments at this point are as follows:
    - In my opinion, I do not see a firm reason to separate the profiles. I
    see these two documents combined together to a single profile, which
    should be more extended since you can think of additional of information
    that can be displayed inside a visual signature.
    Indeed, there are some issues such as presenting as digital signature
    "string" inside the visual signature and its problem with PDF documents,
    but there may be other limitations that will be raised. In this case you
    can reject displaying a signature in a PDF file, but allow it in another
    type of file.
    - As Uri mentioned in the requirements document, there is a list of
    operation that are not related to a signature operation: create a visual
    signature field, clear a field, remove a field, enumerate fields, ... As
    I see it such operations should be accessed through a different method
    than the Sign Operation. Also, it may that these types of operations may
    require different access permissions. Is it possible to define new
    operations within the DSS scope?  
    May I suggest discussing the issue of separating the profiles in next
    Is there any issue I am missing in the above understanding of the

  • 2.  Re: [dss-x] Visual Signatures profile

    Posted 03-30-2008 11:39
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    kuehne.vcf   847 B 1 version

  • 3.  RE: [dss-x] Visual Signatures profile

    Posted 03-30-2008 18:19
    Hello Andreas,
    Some comments below.

  • 4.  Initial draft of the Visual Signature profile

    Posted 05-18-2008 13:37
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