Dear DSS-X-Team,
for some (most likely W3C-internal) reason there are two bitwise identical XML-DSig schemas
out there (at #1 and
#2 ),
different standards use #1 (e.g. DSS-Core, SAML 1.1) or #2 (e.g. XML-Enc, SAML 2.0, XAdES etc. seemingly
all standards, which use XML-Enc) and many tools (editors, code generators etc.) do not recognize that they are
in fact equal and produce according errors (double definition of elements).
Do we see any chance to harmonize those two "worlds" in order to avoid the nasty
manual tweaking of schema documents if one wants to use schemas from world#1 and world#2?
This problem should in particular occur if one wants to build software, which supports
both the DSS Core
and the AdES Profile,
which in turn includes .
... Or can we expect that the tools become smart enough to handle this situation
Dipl. Inform. (FH)
Dr. rer. nat. Detlef Hühnlein
secunet Security Networks AG
Sudetenstraße 16
96247 Michelau
Telefon +49 9571 896479
Mobil +49 171 9754980
secunet Security Networks AG
Kronprinzenstr. 30
45128 Essen
Amtsgericht Essen HRB 13615
Dr. Rainer Baumgart
Thomas Koelzer
Thomas Pleines
Dr. Karsten Ottenberg
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