Hi Mary,
Mary McRae schrieb:
> Hi Detlef,
> I just wanted you to know that I do have your request in hand but
> don't anticipate getting to it until early next week. I think the one
> piece I may be missing is a link to the meeting minutes where the TC
> agreed to approve the document as a Committee Draft and submit for
> Public Review?
the requested link is:
All the best,
Stefan Drees, Co-Chair DSS-X
> Regards,
> Mary
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:32 AM, Huehnlein, Detlef wrote:
>> Hallo Mary,
>> attached you will find the editorial update of the CD1-version of the
>> verification report profile, which should be published in the public
>> drafts section
>> of the DSS-X TC website as soon as it is convenient for you.
>> Furthermore it would
>> be great, if you could provide a hint in a forthcoming OASIS news
>> letter, which
>> mentions the fact that the DSS-X TC is asking for comments with
>> respect to this draft.
>> Thank you in advance for your efforts!
>> Best Regards,
>> Detlef
>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: Mary McRae [mailto:mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org]
>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009 05:59
>>> An: Huehnlein, Detlef
>>> Cc: Stefan Drees; dss-x; Juan Carlos Cruellas
>>> Betreff: Re: Document progressed to Committee Draft / Public
>>> Review status
>>> Hi Detlef,
>>> I'm checking the document; unfortunately it looks like an old
>>> template was used and there are a number of things that need to be
>>> changed before this can move forward.
>>> If you look at this document:
>>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/dss-x/profiles/visualsig/v1.0/oasis
>>> -dssx-1.0-profiles-visualsig.html
>>> You'll see the proper format for the URIs, the TC name, declaring
>>> an authoritative version, status, and copyright notice.
>>> Also, please note the proper format for citations for other OASIS
>>> work:
>>> Stage (Committee Draft 01, Committee Draft 02, Committee
>>> Specifcation
>>> 01, etc. or Standard)
>>> Title (italicized or in quotation marks)
>>> Approval Date (Month YYYY)
>>> URI of the actual Authoritative Specification (namespace is not
>>> acceptable as the content changes over time)
>>> For example:
>>> OASIS Standard, "Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Hospital
>>> AVailability Exchange (HAVE) Version 1.0", November 2008.
>>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/edxl-have/os/emergency_ed
>> xl_have-1.0-spec-os.doc
>>> Lastly, the spec must also have a conformance section.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mary
>>> Mary P McRae
>>> Director, Standards Development
>>> Technical Committee Administrator
>>> OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
>>> email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
>>> web: www.oasis-open.org
>>> twitter: fiberartisan #oasisopen
>>> phone: 1.603.232.9090
>>> Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.
>>> On Jun 24, 2009, at 5:25 AM, Huehnlein, Detlef wrote:
>>>> Dear Mary,
>>>> attached you will find a .zip file, which contains the Committee
>>>> Draft 01 version of the
>>>> "Profile for comprehensive multi-signature verification
>>>> reports for OASIS Digital Signature Services Version 1.0"
>>>> in .doc, .pdf and .htm.
>>>> This document should appear in the public drafts section of
>>> the DSS-X
>>>> website. I doubt, that the specification URIs on the first
>>> page are
>>>> already in line with
>>>> the official OASIS guidelines, but I assume that you will
>>> take care
>>>> about
>>>> such formal issues.
>>>> Please don't hesitate to contact me, if there is anything else I
>>>> could / need do to
>>>> initiate the public review process for this document. Thank you in
>>>> advance for your
>>>> efforts!
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Detlef
>>>> --
>>>> Dipl. Inform. (FH)
>>>> Dr. rer. nat. Detlef Hühnlein
>>>> Principal
>>>> secunet Security Networks AG
>>>> Sudetenstraße 16
>>>> 96247 Michelau
>>>> Telefon +49 9571 896479
>>>> Mobil +49 171 9754980
>>>> detlef.huehnlein@secunet.com
>>>> www.secunet.com
>>>> secunet Security Networks AG
>>>> Kronprinzenstr. 30
>>>> 45128 Essen
>>>> Amtsgericht Essen HRB 13615
>>>> Vorstand:
>>>> Dr. Rainer Baumgart
>>>> Thomas Koelzer
>>>> Thomas Pleines
>>>> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender:
>>>> Dr. Karsten Ottenberg
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>>>> <2009_06_24_oasis-dss-profile-for-comprehensive-signature-
>>>> verification-report-CD1.zip>