OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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  • 1.  Obligations in WS-XACML

    Posted 02-01-2007 21:55
    In today's meeting, I offered to summarize how "obligations" are treated 
    in WS-XACML.  I tried to provide minimal background for those of you who 
    have not read the WS-XACML profile.
    XACML Assertions
    An XACML Assertion (either XACMLAuthzAssertion or XACMLPrivacyAssertion) 
    has a "Requirements" element and a "Capabilities" element.  Requirements 
    state what the asserter requires of the other party; Capabilities state 
    what the asserter is able and willing to do for the other party if those 
    Requirements are met.  Two XACML Assertions match if every Requirement 
    in each is satisfied by at least one Capability in the other.
    Requirements can take any of the following forms:
       A regular XACML Policy or PolicySet
       A sequence of XACML Apply elements (with some limitations on form)
    Capabilities can take any of the following forms:
       A regular XACML Request
       A sequence of XACML Apply elements (with some limitations on form),
       An XML document (for example a P3P privacy policy)
    A sequence of Apply elements in Requirements are logically ANDed 
    together.  A sequence of Apply elements in Capabilities are logically 
    ORed together.  If two parties match their Assertions, the Capabilities 
    that are needed to satisfy the Requirements of the other party 
    effectively become requirements on the asserter so in the "matched" form 
    of an Assertion they are ANDed (this is not made clear in the current 
    WS-XACML draft).
    Obligations in XACML Assertions
    An XACML Policy or PolicySet used in Requirements can include regular 
    XACML Obligations, just as described in the XACML Core (this is not made 
    clear in the current WS-XACML draft).
    Policies and capabilities stated in the form of a sequence of Apply 
    elements are intended for use with fairly simply policies, and where 
    automated matching of consumer and provider policies is needed.  When 
    you are trying to match consumers with compatible providers, it is 
    necessary to know up front which Obligations the other party is able and 
    willing to fulfill - the consumer and provider don't really match unless 
    they are able and willing to satisfy Obligations of the other party.
    So there is no special element for "Obligations" when a sequence of 
    Apply elements is used - an obligation is expressed as a regular XACML 
    An Internet Ticket Service uses an XACMLPrivacyAssertion to state its 
    requirements for Personal Identifying Information (PII) and to state the 
    privacy guarantees (Capabilities) it is able and willing to provide in 
    return.  Here is what the XACMLPrivacyAssertions for such a Ticket 
    Service and for a potential customer might look like:
        XACMLPrivacyAssertion (TicketService)
              Provide name
              Provide street address
              Provide credit card number
              PURPOSE:PII used internally only for this transaction
              RETENTION:PII kept only until transaction completed
              RECIPIENT:PII not given to any 3rd party
              [These Capabilities are all expressed as a P3P Policy document]
        XACMLPrivacyAssertion (customer)
              RETENTION:PII kept only until transaction completed
              RECIPIENT:PII not given to any 3rd party
              Provide name
              Provide street address
              Provide credit card number
              Provide telephone number
    Note that the customer's "Requirements" are really "obligations" to be 
    fulfilled by the TicketService.  Likewise, the TicketService's 
    "Capabilities" are really "obligations" that the TicketService is able 
    and willing to fulfill.
    These two Assertions match - every Requirement is satisfied on both 
    sides.  There is one Capability on each side that is not needed for this 
    interaction, so the "matched" versions of the Assertions to be used by 
    this TicketService and this customer for this interaction do not include 
    the "unnecessary" Capabilities.  All the remaining Capabilities are 
    logically ANDed (all must be satisfied) once an agreement match has been 
    made with a specific other party.
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692