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Subject: Re: [xacml] functions specifications: string-equal and whitespace
- Handling whitespace
XPath 1.0 (and 2.0) has a function called normalize-space() that strips
leading and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences of whitespace
characters by a single space. Some people suggests to use this function
whenever string equality is checked on a XML document. That hides subtle
issues like how to handle whitespace in XML. However, some applications may
need non-normlized string comparison.
So my suggestion is to support two kinds of string-equal functions:
string-equal and normalized-string-equal. The string-equal does not
normalize the string and the normalized-string-equal works as if it invokes
normalize-space() function internally before comparison is made. The
normalized-string-equal function is necessary if a user need to specify
this function in MatchId attribute. When string-equal is used, any
whitespace handling specifier "xml:space" attribute on XACML Request
Context will be ignored except for the element inside the ResourceContent
- Semantics of the string comparison
XPath 2.0 defines xf:compare function instead of defining xf:string-equal
function. The xf:compare has an optional argument called "collation" that
specifies Unicode collation algorithm. The draft says, if it is omitted,
the default collation is used (but its rule is TBD). Then, if we assume
that there is a default collation for XACML, the function:string-equal is
defined as "it returns true depending on the value of the first string is
equal to the value of the second string according to the rules of the
collation that is used. Otherwise, false is returned". We may add "if
either argument is the empty sequence, it returns false". Default collation
in XACML would be "comparison on each character of the string using
Michiharu Kudo
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642 Fax +81 (46) 273-7428
Polar Humenn
<> To: XACML <>
2002/09/07 00:45 Subject: [xacml] functions specifications
We need explicit specifications or pointers to specifications for the
certain functions. A specification should include the exact type (i.e.
xs:string, xs:dateTime, etc) of its arguments and the exact type of its
return value. Also, we need explicit, if not formal semantics for the
function's behavior.
Note, their type signature is not sufficient. If we cannot find
specifications for the following, I'd just assume we leave them out.
However, that might not be good for some of the functions that we think
are necessary.
I'm reluctant to issue defintions for these things, because, I'm not up on
internationalization of strings, and I'm definiately not familiar with the
nuances of XML processing. For instance, "string-equal" works two
arguments of xs:string. In XML, what do you do with leading and trailing
whitespace or mulitiple lines? Does leading and trailing white space get
ignored, or reduced, etc.? I'll bet *everybody* had a different approach.
The following functions need specification: (They are also listed in the
Functions Document I put on the list with [NEED SPECIFICATION]. Here's a
compiled list.
return 1st Arg 2nd Arg
string-equal xs:boolean xs:string xs:string
Q: leading and trailing spaces, multiple lines, etc.
date-equal xs:boolean xs:date xs:date
time-equal xs:boolean xs:time xs:time
dateTime-equal xs:boolean xs:dateTime xs:dateTime
anyURI-equal xs:boolean xs:anyURI xs:anyURI
x500Name-equal xs:boolean xs:x500Name xs:x500Name
Q: Do we have an adequate specification on this from pkix?
rfc822Name-equal xs:boolean xs:rfc822Name xs:rfc822Name
hex-equal xs:boolean xs:hex xs:hex
Q: Is the type xs:hex or xs:hexBinary?
Q: leading and trailing spaces, multiple lines, etc.
base64-equal xs:boolean xs:base64 xs:base64
Q: Is the type xs:base64 or xs:base64Binary?
Q: leading and trailing spaces, multiple lines, etc.
string-greater-than xs:boolean xs:string xs:string
string-greater-than-or-equal xs:boolean xs:string xs:string
Q: leading and trailing spaces, multiple lines, etc.
Q: What if two different international strings?
time-greater-than xs:boolean xs:time xs:time
time-greater-than-or-equal xs:boolean xs:time xs:time
Q: Are these relative to only one day? with Timezones?
date-greater-than xs:boolean xs:date xs:date
date-greater-than-or-equal xs:boolean xs:date xs:date
datetime-greater-than xs:boolean xs:date xs:date
datetime-greater-than-or-equal xs:boolean xs:date xs:date
string-match xs:boolean xs:string xs:string
rfc822Name-match xs:boolean xs:rfc822Name xs:rfc822Name
x500Name-match xs:boolean xs:x500Name xs:x500Name
Ann has a whole lot of other functions in the compliance tests such
of which I still do not know how they are to proceed. I don't even know if
we have a type for a datTimeDuration or what it looks like. Does anybody?
I suggest that we leave all of these out, especially if we cannot come up
with specifications for them. We can add them later when people do figure
out how they want them to operate.
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