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[xacml] Summary of the discussion on Function model

  • 1.  [xacml] Summary of the discussion on Function model

    Posted 09-16-2002 10:00
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] Summary of the discussion on Function model

    This is a summary of the discussion among Daniel, Polar and me. I could not
    list all the issues we discussed.
    Daniel and Polar: please correct me if I misunderstood.
    A.  Changes of the latest function draft v0.9 from v0.8
    - Higher-order sequence function is added
    B. Problems of the previous function draft v0.8)
    - Sequence but unordered set
    - The semantics of function:string-equal in MatchId corresponds to the
    semantics of function:string-member-of
    - Comparison on multiple data (sequence or set) is limited to string data
    C. Three ideas on comparison on sequences
    Daniel:     Sequence handled by each function
    Polar:      Sequence handled by higher-order function
    Michiharu: Sequence is handled in a way used by XPath 2.0 data model
    D. Issues of draft v0.8
    0042: In ver 0.8, string comparison (set against a value) is differently
    specified in MatchId from in Apply
    0043: Should we support ordered set (sequence) type or unordered set?
    0044: Should we distinguish sequence of data from singleton data?
    0045: Should we support higher-order function?
    0046: Should we support basic sequence comparison model?
    E. Position
    0042: In ver 0.8, string comparison (set against a value) is differently
    specified in MatchId from Apply
    Attribute selector returns a sequence (e.g. "aaa" and "bbb"). In
    ResourceMatch, function:string-equal is used
    <ResourceMatch MatchId="function:string-equal">
       <AttributeSelector RequestContextPath="/a/b/c/text()">
    In Apply, function:string-member-of is used
    <Apply FunctionId="function:string-member-of">
       <AttributeSelector RequestContextPath="/a/b/c/text()">
    ver0.9:     - ???
    Daniel:     - ???
    Polar:      - Higher-order function introduced in ver 0.9 will resolve this
    ??? for <ResourceMatch>
    <Apply FunctionId="function:any-of-each">
      <Function FunctionId="function:string-equal"/>
      <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="role1"/>
          - Comparison model on sequence data will resolve this inconsistency.
    <ResourceMatch MatchId="function:string-equal">
      <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="role1"/>
    <Apply FunctionId="function:string-equal" ComparisonBase="Each">
      <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="role1"/>
    0043: Should we support ordered set (sequence) type or unordered set?
    ver0.9:     - Sequence is supported but it is unordered (?)
          - Some value may be repeated
    Daniel:     - unordered set because it is a subset of ordered set
          - small coverage is good for initial mandatory data model
    Polar:      - sequence
          -sequence because it is a superset of unordered set
          -unordered set is supported as a subset of ordered set
          -XML document (XACML Request Context) supports sequence
          -application that uses unordered set of data is also supported using
    function that is not sensitive on sequence.
    0044: Should we distinguish sequence of data from singleton data?
    ver 0.9:    - ???
    Daniel:     - Singleton data should be handled as a sequence which length
    is one.
    Polar:      - Singleton data should be distinguished from singleton data
          - Singleton data should be handled as a sequence which length is one.
    0045: Should we support higher-order function?
    ver 0.9:    - Supported
    Daniel:     - Should not be supported
    Polar:      - Can be supported if the idea of comparison base is introduced
          - Generic higher-order function is not necessary
          - XPath 2.0-based comparison should be supported
    0046: Should we support basic sequence comparison model?
    ver 0.9:    - Supported using higher-order function
    Daniel:     - It can be supported using model of ver 0.8
    Polar:      - Sequence handling in ver 0.8 is not consistent
          - Should be supported but more limited way (XPath 2.0 model) would be
    Michiharu Kudo
    IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
    Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642   Fax +81 (46) 273-7428

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