OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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XACML Attribute profile incorporated into SAML Spec

  • 1.  XACML Attribute profile incorporated into SAML Spec

    Posted 07-12-2004 14:52
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: XACML Attribute profile incorporated into SAML Spec

    The following e-mail from Scott Cantor describes the version of
    the SAML Attribute Profile that incorporates our XACML Profile
    for SAML V2.0 Attributes (see Section 8.4).  I am attaching a
    copy for those who do not have access to it via the SSTC
    archive.  Our section is only about 2 pages long.
    XACML TC members should review this carefully to ensure that it
    captures the requirements for creating SAML Attributes that can
    be consumed by an XACML PEP or PDP Context Handler.  This profile
    is NOT intended to cover the process by which SAML Attributes are
    actually retrieved and mapped into XACML Attributes; that will be
    described in our own XACML Profile for SAML.  A draft of this is
    available at
    but has not yet been completely updated to reflect the SSTC
    --- Begin Message ---
    The document sstc-saml-profiles-2.0-draft-14-diff.pdf has been submitted by Scott Cantor (cantor.2@osu.edu) to the OASIS Security Services TC document repository.
    Document Description:
    Filled in remaining profiles, re-edited attribute profiles
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    To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/security-services/members/leave_workgroup.php.
    --- End Message ---
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692

    SAML Attribute Profile Draft 14

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